Part 8

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The one where I honestly do not know what is happening.

Starting right where the last one left off, Katia is watching Theo get kissed by a nameless barista.

Theo: The only thing that could possibly save me if Not came down and uses his anti-gag character powers.

Not a useable thing, it's always active, idiot.

Theo: I know, but you have to be here for them to be perceived ya know?

Sigh When you put it that way, yeah.

Theo: Brando one, Not zero.

Duck off Theo.

Theo: Duck?


Katia somehow just now got to Theo and the Barista. The barista then gets really unlucky, somehow another barista across the room tripped and somehow the contents flew all the way across the room and landed on the alligator girl.

Katia: How, unlucky.

Man, this is turning into a teen drama.

Kevin kicks in the door to Not's writing office covered in scratches.

Kevin: What the hell is wrong with that chicken?

Not: Nothing! It's just a regular chicken!

Kevin: A regular chicken can't hurt me dipshit.

Not: Okay! I got it from Zue!

Pronounced Zoo.

Kevin: Got or stole? His animals only go crazy once he realizes they're gone.

Not: Hey! I may be, well, me, but I wouldn't steal an animal from Zue. He'd hunt me down with that devil of a bird if I did. Maybe he just doesn't like you.

Not disappears from his chair, appearing back in it with the chicken calmly sitting on his head.

Not: See? He's calm around me. You must've done something to him.

Kevin: That chicken is evil when you aren't around.

Not: You're just being paranoid.

Back with Theo who is currently getting dragged away by two Demi-Humans.

Where? I actually do not know.

Sam: Mate's getting fucked daily at this point.

Sebastian: We've been here for like a week.

Ethan: It's been a week already? Doesn't feel like it.

Carl: It has indeed been a week.

Sam, Sebastian and Ethan jump into the air screaming, Sam even activated his Tick out of instinct.


Sam: Bloody Hell! Someone should put a bell on you!

Because Not's bored or something he appears down on earth, right next to a Brit, a Ghost, a ginger, and a... Hmmm... I actually don't have one for Sebastian.

Not with the chicken on his head: Sup.

Ethan: Oh, it's Ted's easily distracted friend.

Not: Ah, yeah let's go with that.

Sebastian: What's with the chicken?

Not: Wanted an animal companion.

Sam: Why are you here? Wait no, how are you here?

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