Part 10

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The one that makes Part 4 make sense

A day after the last Part.

Days since Season Thr33 began (in story), 15. halfway there.

Yes, I'm still calling it Season Thr33 of TBoT.

Ren: Now do you see why we needed to go through your memories?

Ted looked away from Ren, he hasn't said a word since he woke back up.

Ren: Ted, c'mon, we can't get anywhere if we don't go through your memories and find the exact point you started becoming what you are now.

Ted: And what exactly am I!? A hybrid of the two strongest families on the planet?! I'm certainly not a hero or a good person! I'm just a teen who does what others tell him to do because he doesn't have a goal! I don't even know what I want to be!

Ted screamed at Ren, seriously wondering why exactly Ren wanted him to find in his memories.

Ren: I- I didn't know-

Ted: Of course you didn't! You don't have a firm enough grasp on emotions to even comprehend what I'm going through right now! You only feel a fraction of what I feel, no matter how many times you go through the memories you can never feel exactly how it felt!

Ren: Then why don't you let me take over?! Why won't you let me feel your pain?!

Ted: Because no matter how much I might hate you right now! No one should feel what I've felt! And yes I know I just contradicted myself!

Ted calmed down a bit, breathing heavily from all the yelling, and despite him being in the Mind Palace he could feel his throat become coarse.

Ren: I'd be fine! I've lived for over a thousand years, I've been the host to hundreds of people! I've seen shit that would make what you're going through look like Sunday dinner!

Ted: I'm sure you have, but I'll only live one life, and that life is currently filled with pain and misery. So please, don't make this about who's seen or experienced worse things.

Ren: sigh you're right, I should just do what I can to help you through this.

Ren goes in for a hug that Ted dodges.

Ted: I don't think I can do physical contact for a few months.

Ren: r-right.

Ted wakes his body up to Maria sitting in a chair in front of him.

Maria: Oh, my good boy's awake now.

Ted: I told you to never call me that. Whadyou want from me today you cunt?

Maria: Just wanted to be the first thing you saw when you got up.

Ted: Why? Think you gonna catch me off guard and use your Tick on me? That can't happen.

Maria: Why do you think I would wanna do that?

Ted: Because you are the most vile person I've ever had the displeasure of laying my eyes on.

Maria: Naww... how you hurt me so.

Ted: Get bent.

Maria grabbed Ted's face and squished it.

Maria: You know, you look a lot like your father did at this age. Sixteen right?

Ted: Surprised you remembered that. Do you even know when my birthday is?

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