Chapter Two: Louis' POV

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A/N: Hope ur enjoying the story so far!! It will get going soon, I promise! The pics of Bella Thorne (Charlotte) btw. Enjoy xxx :)


Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn and I were knackered, for lack of a better word. We'd been doing a photoshoot for Parade Magazine. I mean, don't get me wrong, it'd been loads of fun, as always, but it was just really tiring!

When we were eventually allowed to leave, we sprinted into the van and waited impatiently for our driver/security guard, Paul, to take us back to the block of flats where we all lived. Just as Paul was about to drive off, my phone buzzed. I opened up the message.

Uncle Si: Dinner at my house tonight. Seven o'clock. Bring the boys.

 I sighed and leant over into the front to talk to Paul.  

"Tomlinson. Belt." he barked jokingly. I showed him the message and sat down in my seat, making a big show of strapping myself in.

We arrived at Uncle Si's about twenty minutes later. In the style of five drunk elephants, we jumped out of the van and walked up the driveway. We stood on the white porch and Liam knocked on the door.

Simon answered it almost immedietly. We all smiled and hugged him, before he led the way into his dining room.

"FOOD!!!" Niall bellowed. We all laughed as he threw himself onto a chair and started stuffing his face.

"So, to what do we owe this pleasure, Uncle Si?" Liam asked, cutting up a piece of pizza. I mean, who cuts up pizza?! Uncle Si smiled.

"Well, I got a phone call today." he said.

"Well that's strange, innit?" I joked, making everyone chuckle.

"Seriously though." Simon said, flashing me a perfect white smile. "I had a phone call today from the hospital. Apparently, The Make A Wish Foundation have chosen to sponsor a little girl called Ellie Patchford. She's eleven years old and has terminal cancer." I felt tears pricking behind my eyes. "Anyway, Ellie's wish was to meet you guys. So, I spoke to your other management team and they agreed with me. So, tomorrow, provided you guys want to, you're going to visit the hospital in the afternoon." He looked at us. "So, what do you say." Zayn smiled weakly.

"How can we not?" he said. Simon smiled.

"Then that's settled." he said. We all smiled and carried on eating, chatting about the photoshoot.


I was the last to climb into Paul's van at two the next day. The boys all tutted and tapped their watches whilst I rolled my eyes and sat down.

"Okay, group talk." Liam said when we arrived at the hospital at half two. We all went into a huddle like basketballers do at a game. "No. 1: If the fans get too much, go back here straight away. No. 2: If you can't... handle it in there, then leave. Don't let Ellie see you cry. And no. 3: Have fun."

"Yes Daddy Direction." we all murmered. Liam rolled his eyes.

"Someone has to be in charge." he said as Harry pushed me out of the door.

We walked quickly into the lobby, trying to avoid catching anybody's eye. When we reached Reception, we asked the nurse for directions to Ellie Patchford's room and headed off in the direction of room 253.

We hesitated outside the wooden door. Eventually, I opened the door slightly and stepped inside. Ellie was staring out the window when we came in. She turned around when she heard us coming in and her mouth fell open. The other boys followed me in and a massive smile lit up Ellie's face.

"It came true." she whispered. Harry smiled and walked over to her. He sat down next to her bed on a chair and wrapped his arms around her.

"Yeah, honey, it did." he said gently. Ellie threw her arms around Harry and he held her close, stroking her bald head. Liam, Niall, Zayn and I sat down on the bed and smiled at her.

"So, Ellie, tell us about yourself." Niall asked, pretending to be a news reporter and making Ellie giggle.

"Er, well I'm eleven. My birthday is in November. I'm a HUGE fan." We all chuckled at this point. "I used to live in a care home as my parents died when I was a baby, I love my big sister, Charlotte, more than anyone else in the world, erm, and, yeah." she trailed off, smiling awkwardly.

"So, are you planning anything for your twelth birthday?" Liam asked. I glared at him. How can you ask something like that to a girl who is dying?! Ellie looked down awkwardly.

"Well, I'd love to, but, sadly, this cancer has another idea. The doctors say I'll be lucky to see July, let alone November." July?! But, it's January now. Liam bit his lip and you could see him mentally killing himself as a tear ran down Ellie's face. Harry wiped it away.

"Hey, don't cry, baby." he said gently. Ellie did anyway. She buried her face into Harry's shoulder and sobbed her heart out.

"It's- not- your- fault- Liam." she sobbed "I- I just- I don't want to die." Liam, Niall and I left the room at that point. When we were safely outside, the three of us collapsed against the wall and started crying.


I was first to recover. Twenty minutes later, I stood up and headed back inside the hospital room, tapping Liam and Niall's shoulders reassuringly as I left.

Everyone looked at me when I arrived. Ellie smiled and I waved. She giggled and I ran over to her. I lifted her up and held her in my arms, tickling her whilst her laughter filled the room. The sound of her laughing inspired Liam and Niall to come back in and soon we were all joining in with the Tickle Ellie Game.

Harry and Liam left to get food at seven. I noticed that Ellie looked somewhat sad and I started softly poking Ellie's sallow cheeks, making her smile. 

"Lou, why isn't Charlotte here?" Ellie asked. I shrugged.  

"Well, I dunno honey." I said gently, wrapping my arms around Ellie's shoulders. "I guess she wanted to give you some alone time with us." Ellie shrugged.  

"Yeah, I guess so." she said, sighing. She turned to smile at me. "Thank you for coming Lou." Ellie said softly. "It honestly does mean more than the world." I smiled and kissed her forehead just as Zayn and Niall came back from the toilets.  

"ELLIE!!!!!!!" they screamed. "They ran over to us and threw themselves on top of a giggling Ellie.  

"Are they always like this?!" Ellie asked me, giggling as Niall did an amazing impression of Zayn. I laughed and nodded. Just then Sarah, Ellie's super nice nurse, came in to give Ellie more medication. We stepped back from the bed as Sarah prodded Ellie with needles. We started pulling goofy faces and eventually, Ellie's face broke into a grin and she laughed.

When Sarah was finished with Ellie, Niall followed her out, which was slightly weird. He came back about twenty minutes later and grinned. He walked over to Ellie's bed and scooped her up.  

"Ellie Patchford." he said. Ellie nodded. "How would you feel about spending the day with us tomorrow?" Ellie grinned.  

"Are you serious?!" she squeaked. Niall nodded. "YEAH!!!! I'D LOVE TO!!!!" Ellie yelled and we all cheered, hugging her.

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