Chapter Seven: Louis' POV

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We were all sitting down at the table, eating dinner and just starting to get worried about Charlotte when the phone rang. Liam ran off to answer it and switched it onto speakerphone.

"Hello, Patchford residence." Liam said down the phone. Charlotte didn't hesitate. She launched straight into it.

"Liam, it's Charlotte, I, err, I've been err," Charlotte started nervously. I got a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. We heard Charlotte take a deep breath.

"Liam, don't do anything he says, call the police!" She yelled. I froze. What's happened to her. What the hell does she mean? Why would we call the police?!

"Hi, is that Liam Payne there?" a voice that was so not Charlotte snarled.

"Err, yeah, it is." Liam said, confusion and worry growing on his face.

"Hey, my name is Davie Jones. I, I was once very close to lovely little Charlotte. However, times change and now, you see, I have her kidnapped." the creepy Davie guy said. Liam gasped and we all ran around the phone, begging him to tell us what was going on.

"Let her go." Liam growled. "Let her go now, before we call the police." Davie cackled at this.

"Oh, well, unfortunately none of that is part of my plan." he said and I could hear the smirk in his voice. "You see, here's what's going to happen: you guys are going to come and find me and pay me £20000 so that I let Charlotte go."

"Don't do it Liam!" Charlote yelled "Don't pay him anything." The Davie guy did something and Charlotte let out a sound of agony. The sound of Charlotte in pain sent pain through my own body.

"CHARLOTTE!" we all shrieked in agony.

"You have twenty minutes. Meet me by the London Bridge. I'll bring Charlotte with me, if you'll bring the money with you. Bear in mind boys, the penalties will be very severe if you fail to do this." The Davie guy said, hanging up. Liam hung up and we all just stood there, frozen.

"WELL WHAT THE HE'LL ARE WE WAITING FOR?!?!?!?!" Harry yelled, making us all jump to our senses. We all ran around the flat, pulling on our coats and shoes and sprinted out into our van. I drove us frantically to the bank and Zayn and I sprinted into the grand building, seeing as we were the oldest, and ran up to the guy at the desk.

"Weneed£20000!!!!" I said in one breath. The receptionist looked at me, startled. Zayn put a hand on my arm to calm me down and I took a deep breath.

"We need 20,000." I said more slowly. The receptionist looked taken aback.

"O-Okay, and what's the account name?" she asked, obviously confused.

"Tomlinson." I said. The receptionist typed something into the computer.

"Mr Louis Tomlinson?" she asked. I nodded. The receptionist smiled and handed me a piece of paper. I filled in my details frantically and handed the paper back to her.

By the time she gave us the money, ten minutes had already gone. We sprinted into the van and I drove frantically to the London Bridge, none of us giving two shits about the speed limit.

We arrived at the London Bridge at seven o'clock exactly. We sprinted over to where a man was standing by the river.

We reached the man. I saw he was probably of a medium height and build. Obviously he had a balaclava over his head but it was what he was holding in his arms which was most disturbing.

In his arms was an unconscious Charlotte. Blood was pouring from her back and her entire face was covered in cuts and bruises. The sight made me sick and I really wanted to throw this Davie guy off the bridge. I ran up to him and he all but dropped Charlotte in my arms. I held her close to me and ran into the van, speeding off towards the hospital.

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