Chapter Thirteen: Charlotte's POV:

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A/N: Okay, so the last chapter was crap. I'm sorry about that. But, hopefully this one will be better. Idk, but I'll try xxxxxx


I sat up in bed. Twenty-two days until Ellie's death. Today, we're taking her sky-diving. It was on her bucket list. Number three. I kissed Louis's forehead to wake him up.

"Babe. Wake up. We have to get ready." I cooed. Louis opened his blue eyes.

"Morning beautiful." He murmured. He pressed his lips to mine.


Three hours later, we were sitting in an aeroplane. I was dressed in a pair of black wet look leggings, with a white top with a black mustache on it, a white jumper with a red smiley face on it and red Converse on my feet. My hair was tied up in a messy bun and I has a parachute strapped to my back. David, our instructor, has spent an hour demonstrating what we had to do.

"Okay, we're high enough." David said. We all looked at each other nervously as the door of the aeroplane opened and walked over to the gap. Louis' arms wrapped around my waist and he kissed my neck. David bungeed first Louis and I together, then Harry and Ellie, then Dani and Liam and finally Zayn and Perrie.

"ON THE COUNT OF THREE!!!!" Zayn yelled.

"THREE!!!!" Oh God this was a bad idea.

"TWO!!!!!!" I looked at Harry nervously, mouthing to him to hold Ellie tightly.

"ONE!!!!!!" Too late to turn back now. I took a deep breath before the four pairs of people and Niall simultaneously jumped out the plane.

The feeling of falling, it was amongst the best of my life. It felt like I was flying, with Louis' arms wrapped securely around me, his lips sending shivers down my neck, the people I love most beside me.

As David told us, when we fell past the top of the spire of the skydiving building, indicating we were 300ft above ground, Louis pulled on his parachute, sending it bursting out his backpack. The rate of our falling started to slow down and I looked into Louis' grinning face as we landed gracefully on the floor, the others next to us.

David unbuckled us and I straight away ran over to Ellie.

"How much fun was that baby sis?!" I yelled. She grinned.

"It was so much fun!!!!! Thank you Charlotte thank you!!!!!!" She wrapped her tiny arms around my waist and I buried my face in her hair. You would never guess that she only had twenty-two days to live. I kissed her.

"Anything to make you smile." I whispered. I pulled away from her so that everyone else could hug her and a tear escaped my eyes. I never told anyone about the little time she had left. I knew it would only upset them more. So I let them think that there would be many more tomorrows. Besides, they'd probably be gone in twenty-two days anyway.

"Charlotte? Charlotte?" Ellie broke me out of my thoughts. I gazed at her, blinking.

"We're going to get some lunch. Coming?" She asked. I nodded, smiling.

"Sure baby." I said. She leapt up onto my back and I raced the others to the car.


I looked at Ellie as she slept. She was so beautiful. Mum and Dad should be proud they have a child as brave as her. The thought that she and my parents will have all eternity together made me smile.

"Charlotte? I'm going to have to ask you to leave now." The doctor said. I turned to glare at him.

"How can you say that?" I hissed. "How can you tell me to leave her? She has twenty-one more days until she is lying in a coffin. So how can you stand there and tell me to leave her? Are you going to tell me to leave her on the night before it happens? Are you?! Are you going to kick me out only to let me return in the morning to find her dead?!" The doctor tried to protest. "No. Don't protest. Listen. You have kids, right. Izzy and Poppy. Twelve year old twins." The doctor nodded. "Would you leave them? If they were lying where Ellie is right now. If you knew the exact date that they would die. That you would no longer see their faces again, would you leave this hospital?!" The doctor shook his head. "Exactly. Then let me stay." The doctor nodded and walked out. I sat down on a chair next to Ellie and began to sob my heart out.

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