Chapter Four: Louis' POV

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A/N: Hope u enjoy this chappie!!!! The pics of Charlotte and Ellie's house xxxxxx <3


I opened my eyes. Ellie was still snuggled up against me, fast asleep. Harry and Zayn were still snoring softly as well. Niall was lying next to me with his phone out, probably on Twitter and I could hear Liam talking to somebody on the phone outside. I smiled at Ellie as she made an adorable little noise and stretched out, her gorgeous brown eyes opening slowly. She smiled up at me.

"Morning Boobear." she said, her voice still laced with sleep.

"Morning Els." I said gently. I sat up in bed as Ellie did the same and turned to face Niall. He smiled at her and put his phone down. He wrapped his arms around Ellie and cradled her on his lap. I smiled as Ellie snuggled into Niall's chest and traced patterns on his top.

At that moment, Liam walked in, his face grave.

"'Sup mate?" Niall asked. Liam sighed.

"Last night, somebody burnt down the flat." he said, sitting next to Niall and stroking Ellie's head. We all stared at him.

"What?!" I yelled, making Harry wake up with a start. He shot me a death glare and I mouthed an apology. "Was it just your flat? Is Dani alright? Why the hell would they do that? Where you going to go now?" The questions just flowed out of my mouth. I clamped my mouth shut and let Liam answer.

"No, it wasn't just my flat, the entire building burnt down. Yes, Dani's fine, as is everyone else. I have absolutely no idea why the hell somebody would do that. And, no, I have no idea where we're meant to go now." Liam looked down, as did the rest of us.

"You could stay at our place." Ellie said after a minute of silence. We all looked at her.

"Could we?" Harry asked. Ellie nodded and slid off Niall's lap. She walked over to Harry and curled up on his lap. Harry wrapped his arms around Ellie and kissed her head.

"Thank you, babe." he said, rocking Ellie gently.

Two hours later, we were all back in Ellie's hospital room. Ellie was dressed in her pyjamas again, watching TV with Harry and Zayn. The rest of us were waiting impatiently for Ellie's big sister, Charlotte, to arrive. Niall, Liam and I jumped up as we heard somebody walking through the door. I turned around and had to stop myself from gawking.

Charlotte was beautiful. She was dressed in a floaty white top, with a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans and black ankle length heeled boots. Her ginger hair was straight and tied up into a sporty ponytail. She was obviously wearing makeup, but it was very subtle, if that makes sense. Her foundation hid her spots, but didn't make her look orange; her black mascara made her eyelashes look long but not fake and her pink lipstick was just asking to be kissed off her face. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and stepped towards Charlotte. She smiled at me and I noticed her dark brown eyes lit up. Charlotte hugged the other boys and opened her arms out to me.

As soon as we touched, I felt electricity surge through my body, sparks emanating from where my arms were touching Charlotte's back. I felt Charlotte stiffen and knew she felt it too. Charlotte stepped back and smiled at me. She moved away from me and hugged Zayn and Harry before looking at Ellie. She scoped her little sister up and hugged her, kissing her bald head. Ellie buried her face in Charlotte's chest and smiled. The two girls broke apart as Sarah walked in to give Ellie her medicine. I let Charlotte sit on my seat and perched on the windowsill, looking out at the snow covered garden outside. I turned around when I heard somebody approaching and smiled at Harry. He sat down next to me and we both looked over at the bed, where Charlotte was tickling Ellie whilst Liam, Niall and Zayn helped.

"She's gorgeous, isn't she?" Harry murmured and I knew he wasn't talking about Ellie.

"Yeah, she is." I said back. I looked at Harry and felt my heart sink. Harry fancied Charlotte too. And, there was absolutely no competition between Harry and me. Harry always gets the girls. Always.

Ellie fell asleep at around eleven that night. I looked at Charlotte and noticed she looked exhausted too. I stood up.

"You ready to go?" I asked. The other boys all stood up, as did Charlotte. We took it in turns to kiss Ellie's head before tiptoeing out her room.

Paul, our driver/security guard/ manager, was waiting for us in our black van when we arrived in the carpark. Liam and Niall sat next to each other on one lot of double seats and Harry and Zayn sat on another, leaving just one more seat for Charlotte and I to share. Fine by me. I sat down with Charlotte next to me. Paul drove off in the direction of the shopping centre we visited yesterday, to pick up Danielle and Perrie, Liam and Zayn's girlfriends. I took out my iPod and plugged in my Beats. I stretched the headphones and wrapped them around my head.

"Wanna listen?" I asked Charlotte. She smiled and nodded, scooting over next to me. She pressed her head to mine and I stretched the headphones over her head. Yellow by Coldplay came on and Charlotte smiled.

"This is my favourite song." she said. I turned it up and smiled at Charlotte as she closed her eyes. Her breathing got deeper and soon she was fast asleep.

Charlotte woke up as we arrived at her house. It was really cool! It had two floors. The walls were mostly made of soft orange wood except for the wall facing the river to the east of the driveway, which was completely made of glass. Balconies jutted out in odd places from the top floor and all in all, it was perfect. Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn, Paul, Danielle, Perrie and I all stared at Charlotte.

"You live here?!" Niall asked, incredulous. Charlotte nodded. "Holy clover." Niall murmured, climbing out the van. Charlotte chuckled and followed him out.

When everyone was finally out the van, Charlotte led us up the gravel driveway. She unlocked the glass front door and we stepped inside Charlotte's house. Like the outside, it was incredibly cool. All the rooms downstairs were decorated with the same wood on the walls as outside with the same white carpet on the floor.

"How the hell can you afford this?" Danielle asked, shrugging her coat off and hanging it up on the pale wooden coat rack by the door. Charlotte smiled.

"My parents were loaded." she said. "They used to live here with us until..." she paused, tears forming at the edges of her eyes. "Doesn't matter." she said quietly. She started to walk up the oak staircase and we all followed. She indicated to a glass door, leading into a medium sized room, with pale blue walls, red curtains, oak furniture and loads of One Direction posters on the walls.

"That's Ellie's room." Charlotte said. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind two of you sleeping in there." Dani and Liam hugged everyone goodnight before heading into Ellie's room.

"REMEMBER THE DOOR'S GLASS!!!" I yelled through, making Liam and Danielle both blush. Charlotte indicated to another room, with peach walls, dark brown furniture, dark yellow curtains and loads of photos of Charlotte and Ellie dotted around.

"That was my Mum and Dad's room." Charlotte said sadly. "Two of you can sleep in there if you want but, please, don't move anything." Zayn and Perrie smiled sadly at Charlotte before hugging everyone goodnight and stepping inside. Charlotte crossed the landing and pointed to another door. The room behind this door had white walls, black brass furniture, red curtains and a few paintings dotted around.

"The rest of you guys can sleep in here, if you want." Charlotte said. Harry, Niall and I nodded, although I really wanted to share with Charlotte. Charlotte hugged us all goodnight and I felt sparks again. We stepped inside and shut the door behind us. I smiled as Charlotte walked into her room before turning to face Harry and Niall. We changed into our pyjamas from last night before Harry and I climbed in next to each other on the bed and Niall curled up on the red sofabed.

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