Chapter Fifteen: Charlotte's POV

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"WHAT?!" Perrie shrieked. Danielle clamped a hand over Perrie's mouth whilst I looked back at the small slip of paper.  

I think I'm pregnant. 

That was the message, clearly readable in Dani's handwriting. I was shocked. I mean, seriously?! Liam, a Dad at nineteen?! Like, don't get me wrong, Liam would be a great Dad but what about his job?! I didn't realize I'd been holding my breath until I felt faint and breathed out heavily. I looked at Dani. She was looking out the window, biting her lip nervously. I walked over to her and gave her the massive hug I knew she needed. She rested her chin on my shoulder.  

"H-How could this happen Charlotte?" Dani whispered.  

"Well, when two people love each other very much they--"  

"Not the time Perrie!" I yelled, interrupting the blonde mid-sentance. Perrie smiled sheepishly.  

"Right. Sorry." She said. Dani grinned.  

"It's fine." She said. "Good to know Louis' rubbing off on you." Perrie's expression switched to one of mock horror.  

"Never say that!" She gasped. Dani and I both snickered and Perrie smiled.  

"Seriously though. How am I going to tell Liam?" Dani fretted. "It would ruin his career! The fans hate me! They wouldn't support the boys if they found out I was pregnant with Liam's baby!"  

"Ssshh, Dani calm down. The fans don't hate you. Trust me, I should know, I was one. Sure, everyone will be a bit shocked at first but, you and Liam are serious, they know that." I reassured my best friend.  

"Yeah. They were the ones who came up with Daddy Direction." Perrie butted in. Dani and I both chuckled. Just then, we heard a knock on the door. Dani turned to us, horrified.  

"Don't tell Liam! Wait until I've taken a test!" She hissed. Perrie and I both nodded as the door knocked again.  

"Girls! Are you alright in there?! You've been gone ages!!" I heard Liam yell.  

"Calm down babe! We're fine! We're coming out now!" Dani yelled back. True to our word, we all stepped out the room to find all five boys and Ellie standing in front of us, Louis, Zayn and Liam looking worried, Niall munching on a cheese twist, Ellie balanced on Harry's hip. Louis immediately wrapped his arms around my waist as mine snaked around his neck. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Liam scoop Dani up bridal style and Zayn take Perrie's hand. I looked back at Louis to find that he was studying my face carefully.  

"What happened in there?" Louis whispered in my ear. I shook my head and tapped his nose.  

"None of your bee's wax." I said, grinning. Louis rolled his eyes and threw me over his shoulder. I shrieked.  

"Louis!! Put me down!!!" I yelled.  

"Not until you say the magic words!" He teased.  

"Louis Tomlinson is a mother fucker! There! Put me down!" I yelled. Louis gasped.  

"What did you just call me?!" He sassed off.  

"The best boyfriend in the world." I said, kissing Louis' temple. I could tell Louis was smirking.  

"That's more like it." He said, placing me down and kissing my forehead. 

"Ugh. Can we please watch a movie? We have young eyes in this room." Harry groaned. We all chuckled and walked over to the sofas, selecting Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part one and inserting the disk into the player.

We arrived in Florida six hours later. Sure enough, the sun was out and the thermometer on my phone read 40°C. I sighed in content as I stepped out the plane. THIS was my kinda weather. I looked at Ellie. She was gazing around in wonder. I smiled. I'd had another look at her bucket list. Visiting Florida was number seven. I took Louis' hand as we were immediately surrounded by paparazzi. We smiled and ignored their questions as Paul pushed past them and we followed behind him, jumping into a black people-carrier.

My Sister's Dying WishOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora