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"Mr and Mrs Payne are ready for visitors now." A nurse said, stepping out of the hospital room. We all stood up and walked through the hospital door.

Oh, hey there! So yep, it's me, Ellie. It's been eight months since I almost died in the hospital and I'm absolutely fine! Seriously, no cancer whatsoever! And erm, as you may have realised, Dani and Liam have just had their baby. And yes, the nurse did refer to them as Mr and Mrs Payne. The reason for that is THEY GOT MARRIED THREE MONTHS AGO!!!!!!! Yep, I'm happy for them too. The wedding ceremony was beautiful. They got married at nighttime on a beach, so it was all done by candlelight and it was absolutely beautiful! I was a bridesmaid. I wore this gorgeous sunset orange maxi dress, along with Charlotte and Perrie, the other bridesmaids.

So, I'm sure you're all wandering about what happened to everyone else. Well, Niall FINALLY asked out Naomi, the girl from the restaurant in America. They're now living together in their own flat (Yes, no more everyone at our house). Naomi's lovely, and she's grown really close to all of us, but I don't think she'll ever be closer than us to each other, if that makes sense. Anyway, she and Niall moved in together about three months ago, and have been going steady ever since.

So, now for Zayn and Perrie. Well, they split up. Nah, just kidding, they moved into their own flat about a month after I almost died and are now engaged!!!!! They're getting married next year, in Venice, and I'M GONNA BE THE BRIDESMAID!!!!!!

So yeah, fangirl moment over, now for Harry. Well, he finally found a long-term girlfriend. Her name's Imogen. She's very pretty and really nice and absolutely hilarious. To be honest, she could be the meanest person in the world to me and so long as she made Harry happy, which she does, I'd still love her. So yeah, she and Harry are living together now and their relationship is going really well.

And now for the couple you all want to hear about, Charlotte and Louis. Well, they got married a month ago. The wedding was in Westminster Abbey, because Louis is rich enough to afford it, and it was absolutely beautiful. I was the bridesmaid, along with Dani, Perrie, Naomi and Imogen, and we all wore these gorgeous midnight blue maxi dresses. And, Charlotte and Louis are expecting a baby!!!! Charlotte's four months gone now and so far, everything's fine. To be honest, I can't freaking wait to see the baby. It's gonna be so damn beautiful.

Anyway, we all walked into the hospital room to find Dani lying on the bed, propped up against the pillows, looking absolutely shattered, and Liam sitting next to her on a plastic chair, looking like the happiest guy in the world, with a tiny baby cradled in his arms. The boys all walked over to Liam and the baby, whilst Charlotte, Imogen, Naomi, Perrie and I walked over to Dani. We all gave her a massive hug and kissed her on the cheek before walking over to Liam and the baby.

The baby was gorgeous. He had short brown hair and massive brown eyes that blinked up at Liam. It was actually scary how much he already looked like Liam. He was beautiful. Everyone stepped aside and I walked over to Liam. He carefully handed me the baby and I smiled down at him.

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Elliot." Dani replied. I smiled. I didn't realise they like the name Elliot.

"Why Elliot?" Harry asked. Dani and Liam smiled.

"Because it's the closest boy's name to Ellie." Dani replied. I blushed and grinned, satisfaction whirling up inside of me. They named their son after me. ME!!!! Just then, Harry pulled out his camera. We all looked at him and grinned as he pressed the shutter. I smiled as I thought to myself about how, in twenty years, I'll tell the story to my grandchildren of how I caught terminal lung cancer. Of how I made a wish that came true and met One Direction. Of how they moved into my house and three of them fell in love with my sister. Of how one of them ended up marrying my sister. Of how we went to America and one of them met their girlfriend. Of how we went to Disneyworld and how one of the girls got pregnant with one of the boy's babies. Of how I thought I was going to die in hospital but didn't.

I was never going to forget meeting One Direction. And I didn't want anyone else to either.


A/N: Okay guys so that's it. The end of My Sister's Dying Wish. I have loovved writing this story and I love anyone who's been reading all along.

Erm, so yeah. What did you think of the ending? Was it too cliche? Or did you like it? Personally, I really like it, but that could just be me.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this and please read my new fanfic called My Lucky Charm.


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