Chapter Eight: Charlotte's POV

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A/N: Okay so I have a feeling this chappie's gonna be reeeally short. Sorry about that. It's just a filler chappie really. Anyway, thank you soooo much if you've been reading all the way through this, it means a lot xxxx Soooo, enjoy <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Oh and btw: HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY STYLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Beep. Beep. Beep. Okay, what the fuck is that noise?

Beep. Beep. Beep. Oh for fuck sake!!! Somebody turn off that God damn thing off!!!!!!

Beep. Beep. Beep. Right that's it!!!! Whatever is making that noise is about to find a fist in its face. I snapped my eyes open and gasped. Jesus Christ it was bright in this room. I slowly became aware of a throbbing sensation in my back and face and I looked around.

I was lying in a hospital room. That much was obvious. It matched Ellie's almost exactly except for the fact that my bed covers were just plain white instead of the ones I'd brought from home for Ellie's bed. The annoying beeping sound was coming from a heart monitor, which was standing behind a tall IV drip. I felt sick at the sight of the massive needle in my arm and looked away. I caught sight of the other boys then. They were all here. Dani,and Perrie were sitting on their boyfriends' laps, snuggled into their chests as they all looked over at my bed. Harry was sleeping in a corner and Louis was comforting a sobbing Niall.

"Okay, who made my leprachaun cry?" I asked, smiling as I struggled into a sitting position. Everyone's eyes widened when they saw I was awake and their faces all lit up. They ran over to me and the girls reached me first. They enveloped me in a massive bear hug and I wrapped my arms around all of them, laughing. When eventually they pulled away, Liam and Zayn both hugged me and kissed my cheek. They pulled away and sat back down on the sofa, leaving Niall, Harry and Louis crowded around my bed. I smiled at them as Niall laughed and scooped me up, bridal style and held me close, tears of happiness dripping into my hair.

"Hey, go easy on her Nialler, she's only just woken up." Harry said, laughing. I might have just woken up but I still had tons of energy.

"Harreh!!!" I yelled, throwing my arms around the grinning curly haired guy in front of me. Harry lifted me up like Niall did and I wrapped my legs around his torso. NO, NOT IN THAT WAY YOU HOPELESS ROMANTICS!!!! HE'S MY BEST FRIEND AND I'VE MISSED HIM!!!!! Anyway, Harry and I hugged until Louis pulled me away from Harry and turned me to face him. I hugged him too and kissed his cheek. Louis lay me down gently on the bed and I smiled at everyone.

"Thank you guys." I said "You saved me." Everyone hugged me again after I said this and I cuddled into Liam's toned chest, winking at Danielle. She didn't care. She knows I don't like him in that way. Anyway, when we'd finished hugging, a doctor walked in. I smiled at him.

"Hey Mr. Jones." I said. Okay, so no, I'm not some random pedo who just goes around learning the names of doctors, Mr. Jones is my friend, Ilana,'s Dad. Mr. Jones smiled at me.

"How many times Charlotte love, call me David." Mr. Jones, oh sorry, David, said. I smiled and the boys stepped back, allowing David to inspect me.

"Alright, so, wait, hang on, do you want to know your injuries?" David asked me about ten minutes later when he was done. I hesitated before nodding. David smiled grimly. "Alright then, so, you have several bruises and small cuts, all over your body. You also have four broken ribs, as well as your already broken ribcage, a very deep cut on your back and also a broken nose." I looked down as everyone apart from David stared at me in shock. Whoops. I never did tell them about my broken ribcage. I looked up at David.

"Wait, so, if I have that many broken ribs, how come I managed to sit up without seriosuly hurting myself?" I asked. David gave me a small smile.

"Well, you're practically high on morphine sweetheart." he said. I chuckled.

"Oh." I said, smiling. Everyone smiled with me.

"Well, anyway, you seem alright Charlotte so, you should be free to leave whenever." David said before walking out. I grinned and ripped off my IV drip. Unfortunately, this also stopped my supply of morphine, meaning I felt an intense pain in my ribcage. I gasped and everyone stood infront of me. Harry tried to help me to my feet but I just couldn't stand. In the end, I ended up perched on Dani's back, coming to the conclusion that if the paps took pics of us then it would be best for me to be on a girl's back as opposed to one of the boys'. You know, we don't want people thinking we're going out. Although, I wouldn't mind people thinking I was going out with Niall. Or Harry. Or Louis for that matter.

Oh dear, I fancy three people. Sigh.

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