Chapter Nine: Harry's POV

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A/N: Aaaaaah!!!! I'm excited!!!!!! I've never done a Harry's POV before!!!!! This should be fun!!!!!!! I'm also plotting how to kill this bitch at school but more of that later. I'm not really gonna kill her btw, just in case u thought I was some kinda serial killer ;) Anyway, here it is xxxxxx


We all walked outside the hospital, Charlotte perched on Dani's back. I'm so glad she's okay. I dunno what I would've done to that Davie cunt if she'd died. Trust me, it wouldn't have been pretty. Anyway, as soon as we stepped outside, the paparazzi surrounded us, snapping photos left, right and centre and asking us ridiculous questions. Although, when somebody asked me if I was Charlotte's boyfriend, I had to seriously resist the temptation to say yes. Yes, I know, I've only known her for like a day, well, three days if you count the time she was unconscious. But yeah, I know it's too early to fancy her but, what can I say, I'm Harry Styles. Famous for hooking up with girls in like a minute and then fucking them. Although, surprisingly, I don't really want to get into Charlotte's pants. I just want to keep her safe.

By now, we'd reached the van. Niall opened the door for Dani and Charlotte sat herself down in the back, her face scrunched up in pain. Dani herself sat next to Liam in the middle, whilst Perrie sat next to Zayn, leaving two seats in the back and one in the front. Unfortunately, Niall and Louis reached the back of the van before I could, meaning they got to sit by Charlotte and I got Paul. Oh joy. I mean, Paul's amazing, but like, I wanna sit by Charlotte!!!! God, I sound like a five year old!!!!!

The ride home was spent with Payzer and Zerrie snogging the life out of each other, Niall and Louis flirting shamelessly with Charlotte, me glaring at them, still not quite familiar with the feeling of jealousy, and Paul just staring straight ahead, pretending like none of this was going on. When we eventually arrived at Charlotte's, the five of us boys jumped out the van, as did Dani, leaving Perrie to give Charlotte a piggy-back inside. We walked into the hallway and I saw Charlotte's eyes widen at the sight of her messed up house.

"We left in a hurry." Liam explained. Charlotte raised an eyebrow and grinned.

"Clearly." she said. I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist the temptation any longer. I lifted Charlotte off Perrie's back and turned her around to face me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and straddled my torso. I held her close, feeling gratified by how well her body fits with mine. It's like it's meant to be. (A/N: Ha lol I didn't even mean to put that 1D song reference in there :D) Anyway, I carried Charlotte upstairs and into her bedroom. She protested the whole way over, much to my confusion. What's so bad about her bedroom?! When I opened the glass door however, I saw the cause for her embarrassment. Every single wall was covered with One Direction posters. Charlotte groaned and buried herself into my chest. I laughed. One more reason to love her. She's a fan. I lay Charlotte down gently on the double bed and she lay back against the pillows.

"I'll get you some clothes." I said, turning around to face Charlotte's walk-in wardrobe. Charlotte gasped.

"No! Hazza, please don't go in there! Harry please!" I looked at Charlotte, confused.

"Charlotte, how else are you meant to get clothes?" I asked. Charlotte was still panicking. I could see it in her eyes. Despite her protests, I walked into the wardrobe.

At first, everything seemed normal. That was until I opened her underwear drawer (I was looking for socks, can I just say ;)) and two small boxes dropped onto my feet. I picked them up and my heart went out to Charlotte. The one box was full of anorexia tablets, the other full of tablets for depression. I remembered how Charlotte hasn't eaten the whole time we've been here and sighed. I finished gathering up Charlotte's clothes and walked into the bedroom. I threw the clothes to her and then sat down next to her on the bed, holding out the boxes. Charlotte's eyes filled with tears and I wrapped my arms around her. She started to sob into my chest as I rocked her, whispering soothing words.

"I-I'm so-sorry-Harry." Charlotte sobbed. I was confused.

"Huh? What for?" I asked slowly.

"For-not b-being p-perfect." she replied. I chuckled sadly.

"Charlotte, love, you are perfect babe." I said softly. Charlotte shook her head.

"N-No I'm n-not. I'm r-really fat and ugly." My mouth fell open. Charlotte could never be ugly. Nor could she be fat. How could she possibly think otherwise?! I realised I'd said that outloud when Charlotte sobbed out.


I felt anger take control of my body. That fucking cunt. How could he possibly tell Charlotte those things. She is perfect. And he's broken her. He's made her hate herself. My hands balled into fists and I felt the sudden urge to hit something.

"I'll be back in a minute hon." I said to Charlotte, laying her back down on the bed. "I'll get Dani or Perrie up here to help you change." Charlotte nodded and I walked out.

"Dani! Perrie! Get your arses up here! Charlotte needs a hand changing." The two girls ran upstairs and into Charlotte's room. I bounded down the steps two at a time and ran outside.


Charlotte's POV:

I saw Harry run outside and sighed angrily. Nice going, Charlotte. Now you've scared him away! Why d'you have to blurt these things out to everyone?! Urgh! No wonder I'm useless in the love department! I just, can't keep my fucking mouth shut. I shook my head to clear my thoughts as Perrie was waving a hand in front of my face, looking at me worriedly.

"Erm, you alright babe?" Perrie asked. I put a fake smile on my face.

"Yeah, fine." I said. Perrie and Dani both shrugged and helped me out of my horrible clothes from three days ago and into a pair of black leggings with crucifixes on them and a white Hollister t-shirt. Perrie brushed my hair whilst Dani fixed the makeup on my face that I ruined by crying a minute ago.

When I was back to looking presentable, I walked downstairs, hand in hand with Dani and El, and into the living room. Dani and Perrie sat down next to their boyfriends on one sofa whilst I stood around awkwardly. Louis opened his arms out and I grinned. I curled up on Louis' lap and he wrapped his arms around me securely. I smiled and temporarily allowed myself to forget about Harry.

We were all sitting around eating dinner, well, I wasn't, I was perched on the counter playing Angry Birds, but you get the idea. Anyway, that's what everyone was doing when the news came on the radio.

"And, finally, police have arrived on the scene following One Direction member Harry Styles' drunken streaking session along Oxford Street..." Everyone froze.

"What was that?" Liam asked. Zayn sighed.

"Basically mate, Hazza ran around Oxford Street naked." he said. Liam buried his face in his hands whilst everyone else stayed frozen.

"Bloody Hell, Harreh." Louis murmured.

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