Chapter Fourteen: Zayn's POV

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A/N: Yo! Vas happening? So I have bad news.... I'm a single pringle again :( Oh well, it's for the best :D

I have something to tell you guys. I have delevoped an obsession with High School Musical. Yes, I am thirteen years old and am currently listening to all the songs from the movie.

Anyways, it's Easter here so I thought that I would update with my Easter eggs beside me. So yeah, enjoy this chappie <3


There's something wrong with Charlotte. I just, can't quite put my finger on it. I hope there's not something wrong with her and Louis. They're so perfect together. Anyway, today we were taking Charlotte to America for a week. Just, don't even ask. Charlotte insisted. I looked down at Perrie as she slept in my arms. My beautiful baby girl. I kissed her head as the alarm went off.

"Perrie baby. We have to get up now." I cooed. Perrie opened her gorgeous blue eyes and looked at me sleepily. I chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"C'mon baby. Let's get ready." I said, climbing out of bed and lifting Perrie up with me. She clung to mr, giggling as I set her down on the floor. I walked over to my suitcase and changed into a pair of black shorts with a white vest top and black VANS. I walked over to the mirror and brushed my hair, gelling it up into its signature quiff. Perrie chuckled.

"Honestly babe, you spend longer getting ready than I do and that's saying something." She said, placing a kiss on my neck. I chuckled and inspected myself in the mirror. I winked at myself before walking out, into the hallway.

I noticed Liam walk out of his bedroom with a sleeping Dani in his arms, looking worried.

"Alright mate?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"Dani was sick last night, I dunno what's up with her, plus her appetite's gone down to almost nothing." He said. His brown eyes widened in realisation. "Oh my God Zayn, you don't think she's turned bullemic do you?" He asked frantically. I chuckled.

"What. no! Why would she?" I tried to reassure him. Liam gave me a 'duh' look.

"The haters." He said sadly. I nodded in understanding.

"I dunno Li. I mean, why don't you talk to her?" I suggested. Liam nodded.

"Yeah, yeah I will, thanks." He said. I shrugged and slapped his shoulder before leading him downstairs.

Everyone was gathered in the kitchen, dressed in their summer clothes, which I found funny, seeing as it was snowing outside.

"It'd better be sunny in Florida." Charlotte grumbled as she took her suitcase outside. Liam and I laughed at her as we also walked outside.

I jumped into the van next to Perrie. I wrapped my arms around her and she snuggled up against me. Harry sat down next to us and Louis and Charlotte sat opposite us, snuggled up together. Liam sat down opposite Niall on another block of seats with Dani lying next to him, her head on his lap as he stroked her forehead.

We arrived outside the hospital twenty minutes and Louis and Charlotte left to get Ellie.

They returned after about ten minutes. with Ellie balanced on Louis' lap, dressed in a cute little dress with black sandals, her hair curled. The poor thing looked exhausted. Everyone climbed into the van. Harry immediately stood up and ran over to Ellie, kissing her everywhere. It's fair to say that after Charlotte and Louis, Ellie is closest to Harry. She's 'his little angel', as he once put it. We all hugged Ellie.

"What's the matter with Dani?" Ellie asked Liam.

"She's ill, sweetheart." Liam said, kissing Ellie's nose. We all laughed as Ellie scrunched her nose up and Harry sat her down on the seat next to Louis. Ellie snuggled up against her future brother-in-law as Harry sat down next to me. Paul started driving us to the aeroport, turning on the radio. Good Time by Carly Rae Jepson was playing. Ellie and Charlotte exchanged a look and immediately started singing, Ellie the Carly Rae Jepson part, Charlotte the Owl City part.

We were all amazed. Their voices were just... wow. There were no words to describe it. Bella's voice was low and kinda husky whilst Ellie's was high and like little bells. The two voices went perfectly together and the best part was Charlotte and Ellie were obviously having the best time, laughing and dancing whilst we all clapped along. We woke Dani up but she just clapped along. She didn't seem ill at all but when we got to the aeroport, she immdediately ran to the toilets, claiming she was going to be sick.


We jumped out the van outside the aeroport. Immediately, Dani pressed a hand to her mouth and her face paled.

"I think I'm going to be sick." She groaned before sprinting off towards the ladies' bathroom, Ellie, Charlotte and I following behind her. Liam tried to follow but I turned around.

"Do you want the paps to get a picture of you running into the ladies' bathroom?" I yelled. Liam shook his head, skidding to a halt. I carried on sprinting.

"Make sure she's okay!" Liam yelled. I nodded and followed the others into the bathroom. We all ran into the cubicle as Dani crouched in front of it, puking her guts out. We all stood around her and Charlotte held her hair back, rubbing her back reassuringly.

Eventually, Dani was done. She turned around to face us, wiping her mouth. She looked at Ellie.

"Sorry beautiful. I'm gonna end up ruining this holiday." She said. Ellie hugged her.

"It's fine Dani, honestly." She said, smiling warmly. Dani got to her feet and popped a mint into her mouth. She took a deep breath before walking out the bathroom.


I almost walked straight into Liam, he was standing so close to the door. Worry was written all across his face, as on the faces of all the other boys. That's the cutest thing about the 1D family. If one of us was injured or ill, we all did our best to help them. Liam wrapped his arms around me and scooped me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his torso as I kissed him.

"You alright now babe?" He asked. I nodded reassuringly.

"Course I am." I said, smiling. "C'mon, let's go, else we'll miss the flight." Liam nodded and, still carrying me, led me over to where our private jet was waiting. We climbed aboard and Liam sat down on the cream leather seats with me on his lap. Everyone sat around us and we began rocking out to the music on the radio. I did my best to look cheerful but, honestly, I was shattered. I'll admit, I was slightly concerned about myself. I don't have a temperature and yet I was exhausted, sick and never hungry. Then I realised something.

"HOLY SHIT!!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me.

"What? Babe, what's the matter? Are you hurt?" Liam asked frantically.

"I'm fine." I said. "Can I just talk to Charlotte and Perrie alone please?" I begged. Liam reluctantly let me go and I led the others into the very back of the plane. I knew Liam would be listening so I wrote my message. The others read it and their eyes bulged.

"WHAT?!?!" Perrie shrieked.


A/N: Oooohh, what did Dani write? Well, I will tell you... In the next chapter. Yep. I know I'm a bitch. Ha lol you love me really. I hope xxxxxxx

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