Chapter 6: ℋ𝑜𝓌 ℐ ℳ𝑒𝓉 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 ℬ𝓇𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇

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How I Met Your Brother

Heimdall was an interesting man. He was the Gatekeeper of Asgard and the Bifrost, which was the thing we had been shot up in. And apparently, he could see everything in the universe as creepy as that sounded. But despite that little fact, he was a very good man and Freya seemed to like him a lot.

But even with his all-seeing gaze, he couldn't see what that black cloud was. He couldn't even see the monsters we had dealt with. This concerned Thor and I greatly. Just another thing to bring up to his dad. Another thing to worry about.

Asgard was just stunning, even from a distance. As we walked across the long, rainbow-colored bridge, called the Rainbow Bridge, the more of this place I could take in. A large, calm sea, homes and villages that looked like they belonged in a medieval painting, and the golden place--gosh it was amazing. I couldn't help but wonder what it all looked like in the daylight.

There weren't many people out at the moment. A few armored guards stood around in the courtyard before the huge, golden doors of the palace. They bowed upon seeing Thor and let us into the castle.

Freya stuck behind, asking the guards all sorts of questions. Like if their armor was heavy or if they had fought in any wars. The guards seemed amused by her questions, but I cut her short, pulling her long. I knew if I had let her stay any longer, she would have never stopped asking questions.

The castle was hardly decorated, but that was mainly because it didn't need it. It was an open, airy place with fire pits here and there that served as a light source. We passed a few other people in the halls, mainly guards and Asgardians who looked like staff.

We rounded a corner and nearly ran into a tall, lean man carrying a few books in his arms. I grabbed Freya, instantly recognizing who it was. "There you are. I've found a spell--" Loki, the god who had invaded New York and killed countless people, cut himself off. Green eyes that chilled me to the bone landed on me. Clam, collected anger flashed across his face. "You've brought mortals here. Again?" He hissed, turning to Thor.

"Brother, this is Lady Clarissa and her daughter, Lady Freya. She is the one I told you--"

"I know who they are. They shouldn't be here. Especially now."

"Loki, they are in danger. I promised--" Loki scoffed.

"It is always about you, isn't it? First with that useless woman who brought the Dark Elves upon us and now this one." Green eyes cut to me again.

"Thor...maybe we should give you both a moment? This seems...personal." My voice came out small, going to pull Freya back down the hall. I didn't want to get in the middle of this--in the middle of two gods. Thor made to say something, but Loki cut in again.

"Your priorities have never been to save her. You will always put yourself first." I paused my retreat. This was about Auric.

"Us coming here isn't going to affect the search for Auric." Loki and Thor both looked at me. Loki looked like he was seeing red at this point, but I pressed on. I really didn't need to end up on this guy's bad side. "Auric is my best friend and I'd do anything to help find her. I came here, not only to keep my daughter safe but to help find Auric." Loki didn't seem all that convinced or calmed down. The god took a step that was full of practiced power. It had my heart beating painfully in my chest. Dangerous. This man was dangerous. 

"And do you know magic?"


"Do you know how to fight?"

"No, but--" Loki gave a mocking chuckle.

"Then you are worthless. Your being here will only get in the way." Thor made to say something, but Loki was already walking off like an angry storm.

I breathed, blinking my eyes a few times. That man--god was dangerous and he scared the living daylights out of me. "He feels sad." Freya's voice was tiny as she watched the man disappear out of sight.

"That he is, little one." Thor took Freya's hand in his large one and we continued on our way. "Not only did we lose our mother when the Dark Elves attacked, but Auric chose then to venture to the Roots." Chose?

"Hold on. I thought you said she was taken by Níðhöggr. Like--against her will."

"I will speak freely with you, Clarissa. When Níðhöggr came, Auric expressed her desire to learn from the Linnormr. She went with him freely. Loki--he put most, if not all, his trust in Auric and for her to leave him in his time of hurts less for him, I believe, to think she was taken by her father than to acknowledge the truth."

It surprised me, honestly, that Auric would go willingly with some guy claiming to be her father. She'd never had a good relationship with the one she grew up with and I had a hard time believing she would just let another dad figure--an evil one at that--into her life. It meant something had happened. Something had rattled the normally unrattled women. Was it what Thor said? That she had been struggling with her powers and wished to learn control? Or was there something else? Something else Loki knew, who, from my understanding, was very close to Auric.

"We should still find her. Make sure she's okay. All this doesn't seem--right, to me."

"Agreed, but it had not been an easy task. Especially with Loki who believes me against him." I followed Thor down a hall lined with a few doors. Each door had beautiful carvings in them of all sorts of different things. We passed one that had a herd of horses carved into it, their hair flowing in the wind. "This will be your chambers while you stay here," Thor said, stopping before a door with a boat sailing through a stormy sea carved into it. I ran a hand over it, just utterly stunned by the beauty of Asgard.

I opened the door and gasped. It was--gosh it was amazing. There was a large, circular bed that sat against the back wall, a fireplace, and two doors opposite each other. Thor opened one of the doors and we found another room behind it. "This will be your chamber, Freya."

"Wow! This looks like a princess's room!" It did look like a princess's room, if not even more so than we'd seen on tv. I turned to Thor.

"This is too much--"

"I told you I would protect Freya and to do so, I must also provide for her--both of you." I stared up at him in utter awe. This man--this god of a man, hardly knew Freya--hardly knew me and he was willing to not only protect Freya but provide luxury for her? It was more than any man had ever done for her--for us.

"Thank you." It came out quieter than I had intended. "That much to me." Thor gave a small smile, his hand wrapping around mine tightly.

"I brought this upon you both. It is my responsibility to care for you now." This man was saying exactly what I wanted to hear. What I'd wished a man to say to me for years. It made my heart beat a little faster--had my spirits lifted a little higher.

"Freya. Say thank you to Thor." I said, looking back to my daughter who was rummaging through the vanity. She snapped around a grin on her face.

"Thank you!" Thor chuckled.

"Of course, little one." Thor squeezed my hand tight before letting it go. "I will come to retrieve you both in the morning for breakfast. Is there anything else you need?" I shook my head. "Guards will be stationed by your doors day and night. Freya will be safe here."

And I wanted to believe him. I wanted to fully believe the man, but my gut didn't. My gut told me danger was on the horizon and no amount of protection could keep Freya safe. 

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