Chapter 21: 𝒢𝓇𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓃 ℋ𝒶𝓏𝑒𝓁

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Green Then Hazel


The sirens had magic, yes. Magic that pulled your deepest darkest fears from your mind and made you live them over and over again.

Asgard was burning. My people lay slaughtered in pools of their own blood. Women and children alike. Dead. And it was because of me. I wasn't strong enough--wasn't wise enough to protect them. To save them from this fate. From total destruction.

I sat there, holding my dying world in my arms. Loki, Clarissa, Freya. All dead because of me.

A hand was placed on my shoulder. My father. He still lived. "Father. I wasn't strong enough. Please, forgive me." He looked upon me with a cold, unforgiving eye. 

"You're right. I was mistaken in intrusting this place to you. Mistaken in intrusting Mjolnir to you." I shook my head. I couldn't hear him say this. Not now. Not when my family's blood was covering my skin.


"You are not worthy. You were never worthy." He was right. I am not worthy. Someone who was worthy wouldn't have let this happen. Wouldn't have let Asgard fall.

A hissing scream shook me from my nightmare. The siren that had been holding my mind ran towards The Pool of Obsidian, as did its sisters. I fell to the hard ground, as I watched them dive into its inky depths. "Thor--" Loki spoke, hurling me to my feet as best he could. "We need to leave this place. Now." No. We couldn't leave. We needed that sword, it was our best hope at saving Asgard, from saving Freya. 

"The sword, we need to find it." I shoved Loki off me, but Loki looked little affected.

"It's a death sentence. There was never any sword to begin with." Loki hissed, grabbing Dúfa up from the ground. Dúfa looked as I felt, horrible. Tears ran down her cheeks as he clung to Loki.

"I was back in that form--I was a beast again." She sobbed. The beast: a blue, bloodthirsty dog creature her parents had turned her into using dark magic. 

"It was the sirens. You are free of it." But I saw fear in Loki's eyes. Saw he was just as terrified as the rest of us. What had he seen? I grabbed Loki by the shoulder, stopping his escape.

"If this was a death sentence, then why did they let our minds go?"

"Something must have spooked them." But Loki didn't look convinced. He looked like he needed to get out of this place. We all did, but not until we got that sword. But as I turned to the pool, that's when I noticed we were missing a person from our party. Arguably one of the most important. 

"Where is Clarissa?" Loki and Dúfa looked about the cave. Fear grabbed hold of my heart. My nightmare was still fresh in my mind. Clarissa laying dead, holding Freya tight. I had allowed her to come and now--now she could be dead. Dead because of me. "Clarissa!" I bellowed.

"Maybe she got out. She's smart." Loki said, trying to calm me. It did not work.

A tremor shook the earth and the air seemed to buzz. Loki stood frozen, looking to the pool. "She did it..." Did what? But I didn't wait long for the answer.

The sirens came back out of the water, shrieking and howling as they clawed their way onto the surface. They were scared. But scared of what?

Someone shot from the water. There was a flash of gold and two of the nearest siren's heads went rolling to the ground. Loki grabbed my arm, pulled me away from the scene. A scene I couldn't quite believe.

The woman moved like air, skillfully killing off each siren like she'd been fighting for enos. Their black blood splattered onto us and the area surrounding us. When the cave fell silent again, the women turned to us.

Perfect Little Lightning Heart● Marvel Fanfic {𝒯𝒽𝑜𝓇 𝒪𝒹𝒾𝓃𝓈𝑜𝓃}Where stories live. Discover now