Uh, Hi I'm Dexter

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"Heading out early, little hybrid?" Klaus calls out from the balcony as Dexter stands in the middle of the compound

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"Heading out early, little hybrid?" Klaus calls out from the balcony as Dexter stands in the middle of the compound. Dexter nods as he pulls his headphones, "Yeah. I have to get in shape for track season."

"Dad, be nice." Hope says walking out of her room, "Just because he has a life outside of New Orleans and you don't," "I'm not saying he's not allowed to I'm just asking questions." Klaus defends himself.

"You don't really know your way around, why don't I join you?" Hope says, "We can get breakfast after we're done." Dexter starts to shake his head, as he looks up to Hope, noticing the look of 'Just say yes.' "Okay fine. I guess I do need a tour guide."

Hope quickly runs in to get changed as Klaus stares at Dexter, "Don't get lost." He says to him as Hope comes down the stairs, ready for a run. "I'll let Zoe know where you are." Klaus says to them as the two teens run out of the house.

"So how do you," Dexter starts to say but slows down as he notices Hope but in her headphones. "I get you probably wanted this time by yourself but after the last few days, my dad wouldn't let you out alone. So, just follow me and I'll show you the running path I use. We can end up at breakfast." Hope starts to stretch,

"Let me guess Rousseau's?" Dexter asks as Hope just smirks and starts to run off. "Try to keep up." Hope yells to him.


Dexter can admit that his cousin, still weird for him to say that, was a challenge to run with. She was fast, faster than anybody Dexter ever really met. But the running path was spectacular. The little pit stop they made at her mom's and apparently step-dad's house in the bayou was the best part, because he got to sit down.

It was really no surprise to Dexter that when they finally stopped, it was outside of Rousseau's. Dexter followed Hope in as they both walked up to the bar. "Hey kids." Cami walked right up to them, "You look gross."

"Always a pleasure to see you Cami." Dexter groans out, "Can you please grab your favorite Klein twin some water?" Cami laughs as she looks around, "I don't see Zoe anywhere." Dexter glares at the blonde and Hope both laughing.

Cami hands Dexter a bottle of water, "I'm just kidding. I can't choose between the two of you yet. But I'm guessing Hope kicked your ass."

"Like always." Hope tells her, "By the end of the summer, he might be able to keep up."

Dexter rolls his eyes as he pulls the bottle away from his mouth, "Or the other way around." "Okay, sure." Cami mutters. "That's it, I'm going outside. Next time I see you Hope, you better have food."

Dexter grabs his water bottle as he walks outside. "Dexter?" He hears someone call him to turn around to see Matt standing next to him. Dexter coughs, as he starts to choke on the water. "Matt, hey - hello - hi."

Dexter can admit that was his worst moment. He glances up to see Matt, laughing about it and he can't stop but stare at his blonde hair and blue eyes. "How are you doing?" Matt asks. "Good, good. My sister and I finally settled into the house and around the city. How- how are you?"

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