Family or Foe

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The Klein twins both stare at each other as they stand outside the Mikaelson Mansion

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The Klein twins both stare at each other as they stand outside the Mikaelson Mansion. Neither of them spoke as the both turned to stare at the dark house. "You ready?" Dexter asks as ZOe shrugs, "I guess."

The lights turn on as Klaus and Elijah both walk outside. The brothers slowly walk over to them as Zoe and Dexter run over to them bringing them into a hug.

"I'm sorry." Zoe whispers to Klaus and Elijah, "This is my fault if I just trusted both of you then we wouldn't be here. Cami would be here." She said as Elijah wrapped an arm around her. "We're sorry too."

"We shouldn't of left both of you. We held back so many things because we didn't want you two to turn out like us."

The twins nodded as the brothers led them into the house. "Where's Hayley and Hope?" Dexter asked them as Chewie ran down the stairs and into Zoe's arms. "I see Marcel brought you over already." She said to him.

"Guys," Dexter called out, "Where are the girls?"

"Still in the bayou." Klaus answered as he stared at the twins, "It's Jackson's funeral."

It was silent as the only sound heard was Chewie's purring. "What now?" Zoe asks as she holds Chewie close to her, "What do we do now?"

"We get our home back." Klaus says, "But that does mean you two have to trust us again."

"When do we start?" Both twins say in unison causing the brothers to smile.


To help Zoe control her magic, Elijah set up a canvas in front of her. Whenever she feels a surge of power from being around Elijah, she should draw. Zoe likes to remind people that she is an artist and loves to draw. So with the help of her ancestor, she draws while he plays with a violin.

Both witches sit across the room from each other as they try to focus on their magic.

"It's not working." Zoe tells him as she stares at the blank paper in front of her. "Because you didn't give it time." Elijah calls back as he plucks a string.

"Eli-" Zoe calls out before her head is thrown back. She can't feel her body but yet her hand gets tossed up as she starts to draw. With only hearing the background of a violin playing, she assumes it's working.


"I did forget to mention the only downfall of you being in this family." Klaus tells Dexter as the two stand outside after training.

"What now?" Dexter asks as he downs his water.

"It's called being sired. I helped create your bloodline and anyone who turn will be sired to you. It means making sure that I am happy and safe."

"Oh my god!"


"Hope." Zoe breathes out as she stands on the stairs to see her cousin walk in. Hope smiles as Zoe runs towards her bringing her into a hug. "I thought you hated me." She whispered as both girls started to cry.

"I did. But I needed you there. I needed both of you and I needed my family." Hope says as Dexter walks into the room. He runs towards the girl as he picks her up and spins her. "Oh god, I can't believe how much I missed your annoying ass."

"Where's my dad?"Hope asked as soon as Dexter let her down. The twins pointed up stairs as Hope ran off.



The twins didn't know what to do. There in front of them was Hayley the woman who loved them like a mother but they did kill her soulmate. Hayley walks into the room as she sets down her bag.

"Where's Elijah?"

"Hayley?" Elijah asks as he walks down the stairs. The hybrid mother nods as her and Elijah hug each other. Elijah comforts Hayley knowing that part of her is missing and the pain might be there forever.

"I got you." He whispers. "I got you."


"Aren't you scared?" Zoe asks Dexter as she walks into the kitchen. "I'm freaked." He breathes out. "But at least we are on the same side."

"Dexter. Zoe."

Both twins look up to see Hayley watching them. "Can we talk?" She asks as both of them nod. She crosses her arms as she walks over to them. "I was mad for the first few days. I was livid because you brought the man that killed my husband. You destroyed my family. But you are my family maybe not by blood but that doesn't matter. It may take a while to see you as yourselves but I love you both."

With that Hayley walks out of the room leaving the twins alone.


"So what now?" Hope asks as everyone stands around the kitchen table. "How do we win?"

"As a family."


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