Safe And Sound

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"Still no answer?" Zoe nods as she looks over to Josh

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"Still no answer?" Zoe nods as she looks over to Josh. "No one can get a hold of him. Not Lydia, not Scott or Stiles." Zoe groans throwing her phone. "I need to talk to him."

"Dexter will answer. He'll find you. I'm sure of it." Josh says as he walks over to Zoe. "Listen it's your brother, he has to be feeling the same way."


"Don't know if I should be scared or turned on right now?" Matt asks as he walks inot his apartment to see Dexter shirtless hitting a punching bag.

Dexter chuckles as he knocks the bag down. "Sorry, I can't get a hold of Zoe." He says as he picks it back up. "Everyone has been calling me except for her."

Matt nods as he picks up Dexter's phone to see missed calls from all of his friends in Beacon Hills. "Maybe if you called them back then you could find an answer to your quest for your sister. Who might I add is probably looking for you?"


"Anything from Louis?"

Zoe shakes her head once more as she paces Marcel's loft. "No and to be honest that makes me more terrified. This man ruined my life and my family's and now he's silent."

"Maybe that's a good thing."

Zoe looks over to see Josh playing darts as she rips one out of his hand and throws it at the board. "Bullseye." Josh calls out as Zoe walks away.


"What do I even say?" Dexter asks Matt as he walks out of the shower, "I yelled at her. I never yell at her."

"Maybe just say sorry."

"Sorry is not good enough." Dexter groans as he falls on the bed. "Words aren't good enough."


"Okay, thanks babe." Zoe says as she hangs up with Stiles. "Stiles says Dexter is currently answering texts now." She tells Marcel and Josh.

"That's good right?" Marcel asks as Zoe walks over to the both of them. "It is because it means that Josh can do what Josh does best. Find him."


"How about I just say what I'm feeling?"

Matt nods as he takes a piece of popcorn from him. "And that would be?"

"When it's us. I know I'm safe."


"What are you going to say to him if you find him?" Josh asks as the three of them lean over his computer.

Zoe sighs as she runs her hands through her hair. "I don't know. Maybe tell him that I feel safe because he's always protected me. I know that when we fight Louis, if we do we'll be fine."

"Home isn't home if we aren't together."

"I miss him."

"I don't even know how to put into words without making it sound creepy. But all those times that I stood up for her with Frank or anyone feels like it means nothing becasue I couldn't save her from me."

"He's my big brother."

"She's my little sister."

"Found him." Josh says causing everyone to follow the dot moving. He's going  home. Zoe breathes out. "I need to find him."

"You think she'll be there?" Matt asks as Dexter grabs his coat. "I'm going to try if now, maybe they've seen her."


Zoe walks over to mansion as she takes a deep breath. "I can do this." She says to herself as she picks up her steps.

Dexter slowly paces in front of the mansion as he looks at the dark house, "I so can't do this." He says to himself.

"Dexter?" Zoe calls out.


The twins smile at each other with hope filling their eyes.

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