Puttin' On The Ritz

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Zoe gulped as she turned around to face Dexter staring her down. "Dexter what are you doing here?" She whispers walking over to him, "Did you follow me?"

"Scott called me, he sounded worried and Marcel called Matt, told him that you were spotted walking here." Dexter tells her as he glances around the church. "Matt is keeping everyone distracted in case they realize we're missing so I can fix this mess. What are you even doing here?"

Zoe avoids Dexter's eyes as she plays with her necklace, "I just- I just-"

"Did you want to see him?"

"I just wanted answers." Zoe admits. "There's so much that we don't know."

Dexter sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair, "Zozo, we just started training. OF course we don't know everything. Anyway, I thought Elijah told you about your kind?"

Zoe sighs as she tilts her head, "He did. But the fact that he can do actual magic, isn't something we're supposed to be doing. I read that book inside and out. I had Lydia and Stiles do research for me. Dexter, he's not telling me everything."

"You think he's keeping something big from you?" Dexter chuckles, "Zo, it's not like he's something else. He's our uncle, your mentor. He's just easing you into everything."


Dexter walks over placing his hand over Zoe's mouth. "But nothing." He tells her softly, removing his hand, "You just have to trust him. And not Louis."

"I don't think she's here to see if she can trust me." Louis calls out making himself known to the twins. "I think she wants answers and s do you, Dexter Klein."

Dexter pulls Zoe behind him as Louis walks closer to them. "We're just leaving." Dexter tells him as he stands up straighter, his eyes flashing. "Dexter, my boy, that doesn't scare me." Louis tells him raising his hand and dimming Dexter's eyes.

"I'm not here to fight." Louis tells them, "I want to offer you something. Both of you."

"What?" Zoe asks stepping away from Dexter. "For trusting me. For believing me and standing up to me to your family. I want to help you train in ways your family could never." Louis tells them.

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