The Klein Twins

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"Do you remember when I first started dating Stiles?"

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"Do you remember when I first started dating Stiles?"

Dexter glances up as he stares at his sister, confused. "What?" He asks. "Do you remember when I first started dating Stiles? Or my like when we first hung out with each other?"

"The party, right? The one Lydia hosts every year to start off the season?" Dexter asks casuing Zoe to nod, "Why are you asking about that party?"

"I don't know." Zoe whispers, "It was Scott's first full moon. First night we met Derek Hale and the one thing that brought all of us into this world whether we liked it or not. I said yes to Stiles the next week instantly bringing us down. From that moment, we started dating making you want to scare Stiles as you chased him when Derek got shot by Kate."

"Then I found out about werewolves and hunters and my friendship with them just started." Dexter finished for her. "Scott tried so hard to be friends with us that to prove to him, I went out in the middle of the night and got attacked by Peter."

"Do you remember mystery boy?" Zoe asked after moment of silence. "Your freshman year crush? You could forget him." Dexter chuckled, "Why are you finally revealing his name to me?"

Zoe shook her head as she played with her necklace, "Do you - do you think that I was wrong to say yes to Stiles even if I was still in love with him?"

Dexter sighs as he runs a hand through his hair. "Honestly, no." Zoe glances over to Dexter as he plays with his fingers. "Mystery boy was and still is a mystery. I see how you are with Stiles. I see how the two of you look at each other and how you two act with each other."

"But I never told him i loved him till it was to late."

"Doesn't matter." Dexter told her, "Listen, you were scared and I'm guessing the only reason you're asking me this is because he's acting weird." Zoe nods as she leans her head on her hands. "You two need each other. You lost each other for a little but you will get each other back. He'll never understand what happened here but he will be there for you."

"What about you and Lydia?"

"What about us?"

Zoe sighs as she stares at her brother with her eyebrows furrowed. "She has feelings for you." She states, "I know you and Matt love each other but what's going to happen when you move back to California and he's in Virginia?"

Dexter shrugs as he clicks his tongue, "I don't know." He mumbles. "Lydia and I were just playful crushes. She'll get over me very quickly."

Zoe chuckles as she shakes her head, "No, you idiot. Lydia would do anything for you. She would keep all of your secrets good or bad. She would lie to me if she had to because she knew it would make you happy."

"I'm confused. Are you trying to say break up with Matt?"

"No!" Zoe tells him, "I love Matt. He's good for you and he's the best thing to ever happen to us all I'm saying is that when we go back, when you and Matt are happy, you have to think of Lydia and have to think that she's always going to be in our lives."

"Maybe Lydia and I were meant to be at one point." Dexter admits, "But I love Matthew Brooks. She's my best friend and I won't be afraid to admit that but I don't know if we will ever have a right time if we never did before."

Zoe sits in silence as she thinks about her brother's words. "I get it." Her mind lingers to someone she calls a best friend and wonders the same thing. If they never had a right time before they never will now.

It's something that both twins accept about themselves. They never want to hurt the ones they care about.

"What do you think Junior Year will be like?" Dexter asks Zoe breaking her out of her thoughts. "I hope normal." Zoe mutters, "I know that we need to focus on school again because this year is important."

"As long as I'm not fighting Gerard again or a lizard, I'm good." Dexter teases with a smile. "Or even Peter Hale." Zoe says causing both twins to laugh.

"Maybe once we'll go back, we can start having parties again, being the Kleins and Lydia ruling  the school." Zoe said with a smile, "No doubt Stiles and I will be the power couple."

Dexter scoffs causing Zoe to chuckle, "Who else would that be? Scott and Allison broke up. You and Lydia aren't together. You and Matt would be at the opposite ends of the country. Jackson is gone. Who else is there? Danny?"

"Maybe Danny will find a nice guy." Dexter says, "Don't doubt the boy."

"I miss Beacon Hills." Zoe whispered, "I miss our friends. I miss our life. I miss us."

Dexter grabs Zoe's hand as the two stare at each ohter, "I'm right here. I'm not leaving you, not again. We still have each other."



"Marcel! Josh!"

Both twins shrug as they walk through the door to Marcel's loft. "Maybe they are still with Klaus and Elijah?" Zoe suggests as Dexter catches a fmailiar scent, "No. Matt was just here." He says before rushing in.

The twins stop to see the loft a mess. The couch was flipped over as everything was not where it was supposed to be. Zoe grabbed Dexter's hand as the two stared at the blood on the window.

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