So It Begins

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Zoe and Dexter sit quietly with each other at the breakfast table

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Zoe and Dexter sit quietly with each other at the breakfast table. The once full table now only remains with so little family left. Freya, Finn, Kol and Rebekah all down in their coffins as the mysterious witch still roams around New Orleans.

After the party and the family cleared Louis Alarie, they sent him home. Nobody spoke a word to each other for a few moments. Elijah glared at the twins as Klaus told Hayley and Jackson and Hope to find a room at the compound. He motioned Cami to follow him as no one said a word.

Dexter and Zoe held onto each other for their lives. It was almost like they were afraid to do anything. It was like they were back with Frank in Beacon Hills.

"Go to bed." Elijah told them. "Training starts tomorrow. Both of you need your rest."

"What's going to happen to him?" Zoe asks quietly. "You are never to see him again." Elijah tells her, "Witches don't like Mikaelson's. The only reason they were here was to make peace."


"Zoe!" Elijah yells, "That's enough."

Zoe and Dexter sigh as the two twins look across the table from each other, each with a coffee in their hands. "Well, this sucks." Dexter says glancing at his sister. "Dexter." Zoe sighs as she crosses her arms leaning back.

"Are you really going to tell me that having this table empty, is sitting with you?" Dexter tells her, "I mean we once had a full table and now look at us," Dexter gets up motioning around, "It's back to just us."

"And what's wrong with just you two?" Matt questions walking into the compound, "I happen to like both of you." Matt leans down and kisses Zoe's cheek before walking over to Dexter, "You can't just contradict me." Dexter mutters as Matt leans in for a kiss.

"Love you too." Matt mumbles as he pulls away. "Where is everyone though?" Matt questions as he gets handed his own cup of coffee. "Marcel and Josh promised me that they would meet me here."

"Why?" Zoe questions. "Want to show me the new world, I guess." Matt answers with a shrug, "I was hoping you two would be free to join us." Matt shares giving Dexter a rose, "Maybe make it a fun adventure?"

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