Chapter 10

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"And I also think that the theme of your room is cool too," Y/n said, and I hummed in incredulence upon looking up at her, lips twitching upwards. She discerns my gesture, and ineptly shrugs her arms, "Just a random thought since you kind of . . . mentioned your room, like, the space and stuff."

"Thanks," I replied, "I'm not used to knowing that you're into it, when I presume that you're into girly stuff, like my friends, you know," Saying this, I tilted my head sideways towards the kitchen, hoping that she fathoms I referring to Yaya and Ying. Literally, they're rooms are the brightest themes and organized ones, compared to my achromatic theme upstairs.

"Oh . . . maybe, but I was just saying that I am amazed," She stated, and I hummed quietly, nodding my head. Clicking her tongue, she focuses her gaze on the ceiling, whilst mine remains unmoved on hers, "Because, you know, I had a perception about it . . . similarly."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Black cradles the starlight, and the chivalry guiding stars . . ." She elucidated, and her mind went off pondering, I presume. Biting my inner cheeks, I emphasized my gaze on her expressions, contemplating it, "And waking up in your room just makes the connection quite odd."

"Like a dream you had?" I asked.

"It felt real at the same time though, and this isn't the first time," Y/n replied, now lingering her eyes at me reflectively. Her response makes my thoughts waver, rippling in my mind. At least she remembers her dreams, unlike me who impulsively forgets it when I wake up everyday.

"Maybe . . . you just like space overall as much as I do," I presumed, however her looks remained uncertain.

"I think so."

Regardless, I furrowed my brows, and I regained my composure as a thought came up on my mind-an odd one to remember, drawing her attention, "Is that why you mentioned it when we were talking about the condition of power spheres earlier at the shop?"

"Idol, hehe," Aji called out and turned his back on us, grabbing a hold of our attention. Humming, I moved closely to accommodate his call, leaning over the couch's backrest and awaited his response, "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure," I replied, and smiled, "By the way, you can call me abang BoBoiBoy instead if you would prefer to do so."

"O-Okay! Hehe," The kid giggles lightly, and inches upwards from the couch's backrest to my confusion, until he gestures my ear to presumably mumble his words. Fathoming it, I nodded, and moved closely as well. His hand hovering, "May I ask if we are still going to have my practice game?"

Rolling my lips inwards, I hummed quietly, knowing I had agreed to this a while ago on the way home after his training at the open field.

"Sure, I already said yes, I think," I mumbled back, and my eyes directed at Y/n who stared at us confoundedly, "Why are we whispering though?"

"Cause I think my sister might not allow us because she is too shy to see you again," Aji replies, barely audible. I uplifted a brow musedly, fixing my gaze on the ground for her not to presume that she is being talked about. Kids are always honest, and it makes me genuinely believe him as my lips twitched upwards, "She told me that we are bothering too much of your time, idol-I mean, abang BoBoiBoy, so yeah!"

"And I told her many times that you both aren't bothering me because I, myself, insist on you both," I mumbled, coercing to hinder myself from pursing a wry smile.

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