Chapter 1

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21, 463 Word Count; 21K

3, 394 Word Count



IT ALL FEELS SENTIMENTAL, TO BE HONEST. Once the street had been a wide avenue with several neat mown grass banks and well manicured trees, alive with the laughter of the children who played hopscotch and jumped rope on the road. I was one of the kids too, living a normal life before these heroic duties.

I have walked these streets my whole life, and I've known them as if they were etched in my head, memory, scored in a deep complexion of art. Streets I had grown up on and for the most part I am calm here, at home.

Much the same to walking in a country lane as far as I remember. If solitude has been a thing to cope for, matured enough to surpass the point of loneliness to feel our own worth, then there is a vibrancy here that can uplift the soul.

All around there are moments of kindness, fleeting smiles and gestures of appreciation that are the beauty on this canvas of weathered gray. We are separated, it's true, but we are together too. I wish it could always be this way, a living where chaos could no longer foster around the world and the galaxy.

"Dude!" Gopal interrupts aloud, directly to my ears as it pierces through me. His hands grip onto my shoulders, relentlessly shaking me as to forcefully prompt my attention to him, "I found another girl!"

Enduring the throbbing sensation, I turned my head to him with drowsy eyes, "Huh? What girl?" Reluctantly, I question. The migraine stuck for a moment, and I felt like a prisoner to it, quite helpless under the cage of pain.

Really, did he even have to shake me this hard?

I don't even have any idea what he is talking about or if he was even communicating with me the past few minutes. Hopefully, it will be something necessary this time.

"Hay, this dude." He heaves a sigh, rolling his eyes as if to coerce that I am being an idiot, perhaps. I don't really understand him. I mean, when did I ever. "I kept telling you but you just won't listen to me."

"Yeah, so what is it?"

"Every girl has had their eyes on you since a while ago! And, I am getting affected too, ya know!" Gopal exclaims his sentiments, raucous enough that some walkers had to stop by to take a glimpse of us. Oh please, don't make a scene. Nonetheless, I abide my silence as to not utter a single word to the sudden of it all, rather uplifting a brow confusedly, "Don't deny it! Over there, she's looking at you!"

Really. He had the audacity to point his finger towards a girl from a distance standing by a shop. She stood with a hip jutted to one side, her right arm draped across her slender body, clasping the elbow opposite. Her head lolled down to one shoulder casting her hair onto the sheath dress that was a fit.

Gopal was right, her stare lingered to mine as soon as I glanced at her.

It was a bit late for me to register that I had been keeping my eyes on her for a while. Uhm, this is more embarrassing than I had expected. I'm merely concerned that the girl might have assumed we were talking repellent about her and it could have made her uncomfortable if ever which I wouldn't ought to happen. Seriously, Gopal. She isn't even bothering us so I don't get the point of all these commotions.

Although, to my surprise, she beams a widened smile to me and skittishly waves her hand to what I could apprehend was for me. Uhm, I am not sure. Confusedly, I tried probing around the area for anyone to validate it before I might take it for granted.

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