The world of Leech-Haters will celebrate!

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This verson is longer than the one I sent you. :P

And also slightly more evil.

Enjoy! ;)

So once upon a time, ross lynch turned into a lemon and Tamara was very very happy bcuz she loves lemons and hates ross lynch, and justine doesn't have to be confused by wet chair posts on twitter. But she threw the lemon out anyway bcuz it was a gross lunch (pun pun), and why would you want to eat ross lynch?!

Then Justine watched Teen Beach Movie for the 79 quadrillionth time, and fangirled over the leech, and took ross lynch to see tbm 2, even though he's in it. Justine is in the process of hunting me down, as we speak because I just wrote this.

And btw this is a horror story just like cheese bcuz the lemon had to go into the g̶a̶r̶b̶a̶g̶e̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶ ̶ recycling bin.


Also Abby, we have to play the Barber of Seville for the fourth time this week. Ughhhh

And Justine is in mad love with Ross Lynch.

This made ur day, Justine!

Hai Maya!

Emma is queeeen!

This cover was rejected I recycled it :)

Save the environment!


-Joe the Petunia

Btw megalodon!!!!!1

And knowing how snakes move and run is important.


Ross Lynch turned into a lemon!!!Where stories live. Discover now