Evveerrryyy Gggeennrreee EVER!

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Whelp I died skiing ugh whelp whelp whelp who the heck decided that moguls in the woods would be a good idea? So anyway, now that I am out of the woods (smirk) I can write stuffz yay!!! More leech! Anyway, I've heard of so many strange fanfics that are so stupid like wth Harry styles is a scientist, Harry styles in space...Harry styles fights a dragon, etc. so obviously, we should put leech in some fantasy land because that's the new fanfic trend!!!!!!!

Once upon a galaxy far far away, there lived an alien named Habbanahsvah. But since her name is so long, we will just call her Hannah.

She was a very very very nice alien and was known for her extreme de-sinning powers. Sinners from all corners of the universe came to visit her in hopes of being de-sinned.

Since Hannah was more angelic than Angels, she accepted anyone who wishes to be de-sinned, but at the price of having to complete a challenge first.

Some of the lesser sinners had simple tasks, such as hugging everyone at the table and giving their strange friend an honest compliment.

Some of the more extreme sinners has harder tasks, such as stopping a star from blowing up or healing a sick dragon.

One day, the biggest sinner came to her palace: Ross Lynch. He was very distraught and could not even hold the weight of his sins on his back. He flopped down in front of Hannah's throne, exhausted.

"Are you in need of a de-sin?" Hannah smirked kindly.

"Yes please!!!!?" He screamed.

"Hm," Hannah put a finger to her chin, "this looks quite serious,"

Leech looked up at her.

"I got it," Hannah said, "but it will definitely be hard,"

"Pllleeeaaasseee I need to be de sinned" leech smirked.

"Ok," Hannah said, "you have three tasks. After you finish each come here to receive the next,"

"First. You must carry this rock to Abby's house,"


"Not that Abby's house," Hannah said calmly, "Honestly, what kind of cats live with the devil?"

"Oh" leech said.

"The Rock is in the garage," Hannah said.

Leech went into the garage and grabbed the rock, which was seven times his size and began lugging it towards Abby's House. The rock was actually some type of thing I just found in one minute, called Reticulite. That's a type of pumice. That means it's super light (it can be sliced with a sticky note). But as mentioned before, leech is super weak, so he can't even lift this fragile rock.

Then some dude appeared in front of him. It was Emma.

"Yo dude the reason you are so weak is because...."

She went into genius mode

"...the weight of your sins is too heavy,"

"Ok" he said, "but how do I get rid of the weight,"

"You have to...bring the rock to our house..." Emma said.

"Ok" he said 

Leech traveled for 7000000 days until he finally walked ten feet to get to Abby's house.

He panted "here."

Abby took the rock in through the door, lifting it almost effortlessly.

Leech lugged himself back to Hannah's palace to receive his next task.

"Ok" Hannah said, "I think you can already feel yourself getting de-sinned,"

"Now your next task is to go to Earth and stop global warming from happening. You have to get your own space shuttle though,"

Leech wandered out of the palace, unsure of where to get a space shuttle or how to stop global warming. But mainly whether there would be ice cream on the shuttle.

He found Justine, a famous space shuttle builder

"Yo," he said.

"Ok..." Justine said "whadoo you want?"

"I need a space shuttle," he said.

"You can have this broken one that will definitely kill you for the low low low price of $10000000 or you can have his super clean and expensive one that is super high tech for $1.

Leech thought about it and then decided to take the broken one, because the new one did not come with ice cream.

"Good job," Justine said "-10 sin points. You decided to risk taking the broken one so someone less fortunate could have the good one for $1,"

"I did?" Leech said and Justine stuffed him into the spaceship.

He zoomed off to earth, running into a couple of hostile aliens until he arrived.

He took out a megaphone that everyone on earth could hear because idek we need some fantasy and screamed:


He climbed back into his spaceship and zoomed off to Hannah's palace.

"I did it," he said, feeling less weak than usual.

"Good job," Hannah said, "your final task is to beat up Bach,"


"Not that Bach," Hannah said calmly, "Tamara's hand,"

So leech went into the hunger games arena. After a billion days of searching, he found Bach, who was standing right in front of him the whole time.

"Bach...we meet at last..." Leech said.

"..." Bach said.


"..." Bach said.

"DONT IGNORE ME!!!!" Leech said.

"..." Bach smirked.

The Bach face-punched leech in the face. But since leech was less of a sinner, he managed to slightly fight back. But Tamara's hand is also super weak so leech not that bad.

Then all of a sudden, leech's supporters, Hannah, Abby, and JUSTINE jumped out of the bushes and started beating up Bach.

Leech was so stunned. People were helping him!!!! Leech had won! (Or so he thought)

Then, Emma crashed through the ceiling, shattering the crystal glass and punched leech in the face.

"SINNER!" She said and leech fainted.


Ross Lynch turned into a lemon!!!Where stories live. Discover now