Tamis is sick

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So Uh just update on whatever happened to me because idk poor Tamis.

As you can see, I am being fed soup by Ross Lynch...

He has turned into my hand

So once upon a happy day, Tamis decides to make herself weird toast stuff with cheese stuff for breakfast. She quickly are it in order to have enough time to survey herself in the mirror every day, noting at her orbs because that is of course what every teen fiction protagonist does.

So she went upstairs and cleaned her room and then went out the door. She stopped right outside the door

"Oh nooooeessas I didn't survey myself in the mirror, nor did I fold my jeans!!!" She smirked. This was going to be a horrible day.

She smirked onto the buss and to school, where she continued to discuss about Judge Jacob writing to Gallic Judy about Charles throwing Margaret up the stairs.

Next, she went to math, but she was too stoopid to circle the right answers so it ended up being a slowpole.

She started turning blind and stuff because she mixed up 18 and 17 and couldn't even read the problem for 19.

She asked Justine to read it for her, but Justine said is super sassily because she thought Tamis was faking it. (!!!)

But she wasn't!! Her head started dying and hurting, so she went to the nurse.

The nurse goes "hai dude ok bai"

So Tamis went to reading class and Aidan never showed up so the Celmer couldn't be formal for a class.

They talked about reading levels, and if this were rated, it would obviously score a three. Thousand.

Then Tamis started dying of nausea so she went to the horse.

Wow autocorrect nurse=horse?? Eh I'll just leave it. Same thing, right?

So the horse says "neigh ok bai"

So then my dad came to pick me up from school. Then I proceeded to die at home. After I died, I felt a lot better and I am no longer sick.

But Mrs Pogash will never forgive me for missing her class!!! And even more importantly, I'll never forgive myself!!! No joke, her class is the best part of the day, especially her guide.


At least it's egg day so there is no loss of food I don't order eggs. Blech.

Anyway, my dad and grandma go "no go upstairs and sleep no food until later"

So I trudge upstairs dying of starvation.

And that's when our secondary character comes into play!! Yay!!! Not so much no.

So through the window, in flies Ross Lynch.

He quickly surveys himself in the mirror, muttering sosmthing about his orbs and how stupid he is. That's true though.

So then leech, who has sworn to be good from now on, smirks around "YOYyo you it to Toyota"

"Ah..." I sarcastically happily exuberantly sadly melancholily churlishly enthusiastically (one cannot have too many adverbs)ly tomorrow (because it's an adverb) smirk.

I was so scared of the power of autocorrect. It corrected "yo yo yo yo yo" to whatever leech just said.

Hen leech whips out his bowl of soup and fills it with whatever tomato stuff it is. Ask Justine she wrote that thing

He gives me the bowl and says "eat dis soup or I'll cry"

I say "no" so he cries and I laugh.

Finally I shove him through the window and eat the soup in peace. Then he climbs back through the window smirking "WAIT NO IF IM NOT GOOD THE. I WILL BE FIRED. ILL HAVE TO WORK. IN. GOOGLE!!!!!!"

Ok I smirk.

He jumps through the window and spills to soup all over me.

"OMG I STABBED THE TAMARA JUSTINE WILL NEVER FORGIVE ME..wait maybe she will but idk I think she'll want to get rid of me anyway"

Then he jumps out the window and breaks his back in half.

"AH CALL A DOCTOR" he smirks.

The doctors come and smirk "ok dude idk are you happy just being a disembodied head?"

"Wut" he smirks "disembodied too advanced for me more than eight letters long"

"are you ok just being a head"

"Can I still have souppppp" he smirk.


"Can I still charge a million dollars for my concerts???" He smirks.


"Omg" he smirk "I should have don't this years ago"

And with that, the doctors smirked the magic word, obviously because surgery includes too much glory and gore ( ;))) )

"The year yand the only thing one can do wyhehwywyhgbe and the end of the best do not bbbeeellliiieeevvvvee" Dr. Autocorrect smirked. He had a PhD in ruining people's words.

"Yay" leech smirks "bai guys I'm going to go 'werk' in Google"

And with that, Google carried him off to their secret lair, where they are developing who knows what.

And that's what happened today.

"Uh I need food??" Tamis smirk.

"No" Autocorrect smirks.


Ross Lynch turned into a lemon!!!Where stories live. Discover now