The Beginning of Fanfiction

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Heyo so uh idk I was bored and like this seemed like a bad idea but like hey...stuff happen and well now this story actually has a plot...kinda.'ll find out in this chapter and the next one which is very sad sad sad. :(((( anyway pretty lame but like...the next chapter :|

So once upon a 16th century, there lived a dude named Kuskoosko.


You know what, George Washington spelled his name wrong so let's just call him Joe.

So anyway, this dude was Polish...I think. Famous for designing West Point but also for his most amazing invention what no one knows he invented.

So let's begin.

"Heyo" g wash said.

"Wut" Joe said "can't you see I'm busy???"

"Busy doing what?" Wash smirked.

"Idk I'm inventing stuff. Secret stuff"

"Okok" wash smirked and walked away.

Little did he know that his inventor friend was secretly a world famous writer under the pen name of J. C. W. which stands for Joe Clam Welch, though no one  knew.

He secretly had a tumblr ( where he posted updates on his writing. 

"Hello" he said in one update, "I have invented a new form of writing!!!!!!"

On this post he got so many likes or whatever you have on tumblr tha he became world-famous.

"Omgz" the comments said "tell us pls"

He was set to speak in front of the whole world. On the 30th of February, 17 BC, he stood on top of Justines house and spoke to the whole world, except for one person, who happened to be Ross Lynch.

"Good morning afternoon evening" he said "I can never figure out which. Anyway, I am here to unveil a new writing genre!!! It's about Ross Lynch being stoopid and he's in every story with a select few of you!!!"

"It includes a new form of smiling called the SMIRK. Let me demonstrate," Joe smirked, "Like that"

The audience ooohed and ahhed and Joe smiled at all of them.

"It's called....FAAANNNNFFIIICCCTTIIOOONNN!!! And it's cliche with no grammar, just like the following line!!!"

And then he blacked out.


Ross Lynch turned into a lemon!!!Where stories live. Discover now