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Stop stop stop stop stop leech so and.


Idk autocorrect happened.

Also according to a slightly more reliable source than Wikipedia. Mrs Pogash found out about wattpad.

But if she has an account then I can't follow her :((((((

So anyway we begin:

Once upon a NaNoWriMo and there was a Tamara writing her horrible story which you won't find. So anyway flashback to Camp.

~woo flashback sound~

So once upon a magical Haverford campus, there lived a girl named Tamara. On the first day, she was left alone to survive in a math camp. She didn't want to make friends, because she already had Ross lunch's boss as a friend.

But nonetheless, she made friends with her whole entire hall because everyone is just that friendly...sure.

So one day Erin (with blue and red hair) cornered Tamis in the hallway when Tamis was sad.

"Heyyhhhhhhhjsbgwgw wanna make a new friend?" She said.

"Uhhhh no. I sad go away Erin"

"K," said Erin and left.

But nonetheless, Tamis decided to make friends with Lauren because Tamis is a cool person.

So then a bunch of strange stuff happened, including bananas, Tamis on a cookie eating spree, Tamis eating the whole cafeteria, Tamis getting lazy and just playing piano during social time, and just food in general. Oh, and twin day when I actually wore my glasses and dressed up as Lauren.

But anyway, after camp, Tamis decides to tell Lauren about NaNoWriMo.

"Sup. Are you going to attempt the impossible task or writing a whole novel in a month???"

"No..." Says the Lauren.

"You get a free copy of your book of you win," says the Tamara.

"OMG YEAhhh"

So then Lauren planned out her whole entire novel in one nanosecond.

Then November came.

At exactly 12:01 AM, and this is no joke, she texted me "NaNoWriMo starts like now. And I have no first sentence!"

Tamis wasn't awake at 12:01 AM, because Tamis was asleep, getting ready for NaNoWriMo and multitasking.

When Sunday came, Tamis wrote 1,500+ words, and finished a lot of multitasking. Tamis was proud.

As the month progressed, there were times when Tamis was really behind, but not that terribly behind. Finally by today, Tamis caught up. Lauren didn't write much during the day, and Tamis tried to motivate her, but nothing seemed to work.

By this point in my tale, you can obviously see the main character is none other than ROSS LYNCH

Because he invades every story I try to write.

Today is the nineteenth day of November. Tamis tries to write and stay on track (though she is getting distracted by this story), but is secretly worried about her colleague.

All while Justine bothers her daily and we both sit and complain about November. That's why it's fun.

Right now, Tamis has 26,605 words, and Lauren has 9,000. By tomorrow, we are supposed to be 2/3 finished with writing. Tamis is pretty close...but I won't say whether she will make it or not. But anyway, Tamis is very conflicted and needs YOU to decide.

Should she:

a. Give up on trying to motivate Lauren and stick with her own problems instead

b. Keep motivating Lauren to write

c. Convince her to change her word count goal to 15,000 so she can make it.

Pls feedback pls Tamis is conflicted cannot continue without it.

Ross Lynch turned into a lemon!!!Where stories live. Discover now