Leech joins the blahs

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Hello my fans. Currently I am in Colorado and I am super bored because no one wants to cooperate and go night skiing :((((((( ugh can I just go alone???? Plz I sweer Bigfoot won't kidnap me or something so anyway, LETS BEGIN

Once upon a CMS (which could stand for Compost Michigan Sanitation no one will ever know) there was a group of people called the Blah's.

They were quite strange and I won't name any of them because Justine will keellll mehhh. So anyway, since leech so just soooo smert (and by smert I mean dumb) he decides to go back to school (and by go back to school I mean moved down a lot lot lot of grades.

The moment Emma realized this she screamed and ran up the stairs, almost knocking over Mrs. Don't-hate-on-her.

The moment Tamara realized this she marched straight to Mr. LOTR-Fangirl's office and demanded he be suspended.

The moment Justine realized this, she yelled:


So anyway, Tamara had the most ingenious plan to get rid of leech. She gathered a bunch of people, mainly everyone on the group chat as they discussed on how to expel leech.

"Ok" Tamara said "we need to expel the Blah's and leech"

"Why Blah's" Emma smirked. She loves the Blah's.

"Bcuz they annoy"

"Ikokokok" Emma smirked.

So then they found leech. Justine punch leech in the face and waits for him to wake upppp.

He says "uh shwhbwwbsfabs"

Then Maya pulls out her amazing watch that she does not own and hypnotizes leech into thinking he is a blah.

"I am a blah okok" leech smirks.

"Hey friends!" Leech says to the Blah's.

"Omg hello you are now a blah" they smirk.

After one week, leech is so happy with his new best friends, the Blah's.

"Hey Blah's" he says one day "wanna get expelled?"

"Uh sure" they smirk.

Then they go to Mr. LOTR-Fangirl's office.

"Yo" blah #1 says.

"Sup" Mr. Fangirl says.

"we wanna get expelled" Mrs. Don't-hate-on-her Hater says.

"No." He says "what will our school be without blahs?"

"Ok" leech says.

"No," Dramione Fangirl says "We wanna get kicked out,"

"Yeah" Dramione Fangirl 2.0 says "Imma break a window"

And with that, the Blah's throw themselves and leech through the window, not caring that the sharp crystal transfigures glass cuts through their fingers

Then they find Lucius Malfoy.

"Yo blah what happen" he says

"CRUCIO!" They all say at once and run away carrying leech and Lucius to St. Mungo's


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