Co-Stars (#JICHAEL)

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Wow an actual title? This better be we begin

Once upon a magical Justine's house, 39th century, Justine was playing her piano that she wrote on. You all already know Justine right? Ugh *sigh* I have to describe my main character. So Justine is about 10 yards tall and has super long hair (she did that so Ross Lynch would notice her) but the moment I cut my hair, Justine decides that I look so fabulous and decided to lop off her whole entire head of 9 yard hair. So she was playing in her out of tune piano that she writes on, when her mom told her she had to go to swim practice.

"Ahh" Justine had completely forgotten. Quickly she had to decide what undersea creature to morph into.

A dolphin of course Justine thought. She quickly transformed into a dolphin and apparated to her swimming place. Maybe that's why I don't see her when I go to tennis. She apparates.

"Good afternoon, Jcw" Mr Hockmeyer smirked. He was the teacher of her fish school.

Justine quickly dived into the pool.

"Ok guys, listen up," Mr Hockmeyer smirked, "one of you dudes is going to be a celebrity and it's going to be you Justine because you're the teen protagonist and you make a good dolphin".

Justine was so stunned. She never saw it coming! Immediately a bunch of celebrities showed up to whisk Justine off to Hollywood so she can be an actress. Among those was Ross Lynch.

Leech smiled because he looovvveessss Justine (segun la Jenna Hansen), but then frowned because Justine was going to fall in love with her co star (Segun el title del Fanfictión). It all came out as a smirk.

Justine jumped out of the water and into the limo, where the chauffeur was none other than Jenna Hansen, who had invited Tamara over "just so Justine can have some company". On the 3 nanosecond drive to Hollywood Justine was so nervous. This was so strange, she had never been an actress before.

They were on set. Finally, Justine spotted her co star. He stood out in the crowd because he is ofc the other main character.

"Hello," he smirked "I'm Michael phelps. Professional dolphin. If you have no clue who I am, you can read about me in my novel, Michael Phelps the Professional Dolphin."

Justine nodded, her co star was so smart, "I'm Justine. Also a professional dolphin. You can read about me in my autobiography, Shame on You or countless other biographies that have been written about me".

Phelps made this face: :O.
His co star was a thousand times more famous than he was!

Then Hardy Jones showed up, he was so happy to be directing this amazing movie.

"Ok guys. So the movie is called Dolphins in Danger. Justine, you are blue fields and Phelps, you are Nica. You're both Dolphins. Emma and Abby, you will catch the dolphins in a net. Maya, you will be playing moi. Tamara, you drive the boat and Jenna, you sit in the boat. None of you have any lines except Phelps and Justine".

Michael Phelps and Justine looked at each other. They had so much in common already!

While recording, Jenna stood in the boat, and the boat flipped over. Phelps and Justine had to flip the boat back to its original position. They were so happy to be co stars. Abby and Emma accidentally caught ross leech in a net so they had to buy a new net. Then, Tamara drives the boat into a mountain, and Phelps and Justine had a very romantic picnic while Hardy Jones fixed the boat. He was crying, but he was very very proud of his actors.

Meanwhile, Justine was so in love with phelps.

"I luv you more than Maya Luvs Mail" Justine smirked.

"I luv you more than Maya loves the floor". Phelps smirked.

But ofc, leech was hiding in the bushes, because he is the antagonist and the other leg of the love triangle. To find out how tall he is, use the Pythagorean theorem I'm too lazy to find out how large leeches are.

"Justiiinneeee" leech smirked.

Justine gasped. Who did she love more? Phelps or leech?

And how would she deal with the stress of all this plus being a dolphin?

Then phelps being Justine's bf decided to fight off the wild leech. But in the time of being cast off into space, leech had developed super mutant powers, and his unicellular brain was now multicellular, consisting of a staggering two cells. He could now figure out where a c was on the piano. And can do 2+3.

That was too much for Phelps. How could he possibly beat him? Phelps only knew how to swim! Meanwhile Justine was convinced that she had a protist as a brain, and therefore could only watch the two legs of the triangle fight, and could not tell them that they were both dummies.

Ross lynch fake stabbed phelps. Three more people did the reaction. Phelps lifted up the imaginary heavy object and chucked it at Ross lynch. Air was just too heavy.

Leech was completely thrown into the sea where he went to live with mermaids.

"Yay!" Justine screamirked as she hugged Phelps. Then they teleported back on set where everything was ok. Jenna learned how to sit down. Tamara learned how to drive a boat without a license. Maya learned how to be a dolphin person and Emma and Abby can throw a net.

They finally finished the movie and they got a bajillion stars. Justine and phelps where A+ list celebrities. Woohoo they were on the high honor roll!

Justine had everything she wanted in life now! A dolphin bf, being on the high honor roll, missing school (100% ftw) what could be worse?

Hardy jones walked up to jcw. "Yo jcw since you're so famous you have to do more stuff to be even more famous. You can be a rapper and rap meltdown all day"

That sounded amazing.

"Or you can make other movies with Michael phelps"

How would she choose?

"Ok jcw that took too long tbh Tamara could have written a whole novel in that time im choosing for you. Ur going to be in another movie with phelps." He smirked.

Justine was so excited hanging from a cliff yippe and in the style of Emily Dec...


Ross Lynch turned into a lemon!!!Where stories live. Discover now