Emma and Abby are Dance Moms

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Ok so I have no clue what is going on but I was quite bored and I read Emma's parody of a dance moms Fanfiction and the dance moms fan account or whatever was copied so yeah. Also I think Abby and Emma deserve their own story. :P ofc leech appears later on...

Once upon a magical Internet, there was a dance moms fan account that everyone cares about a lot. Because Abby and Emma apparently have a zillion followers. So anyway the dance moms dude person was like "sup Abby and Emma"

So they were like "sup".

"So you guys should be on dance moms like it makes sense. You dance. You are moms." She smirked.

They were very confused about being moms but they definitely 100% are moms because Emma is always going like Neville my child and Abby is always like *all the Harry Potter characters* my children!

So anyway uh they were on dance moms and they were amazing dancers because they dance all the time. Also Justine was on dance moms but she didn't want to dance. But the head dude person lady didn't pay attention to Abby and Emma. She was fangirlig over her favorite dancer ever:






Who do you think it is, guys?




Ross lynch.

Yup he was back and the moment Justine realized this she grabbed everyone's hand except for the head dude person lady and left the building. Then, she pulled out a magical button and pressed it and immediately dance moms left planet earth.

And Emma kept saying that it is a terrible show.

But if it's such a terrible show, then why do you have a dance moms fan account???????

"Idk" they said before Justine could lie some more. But then since there was no dance moms anymore, they had to compete with none other than...



Not leech




Svetlana Xagariva <-- too lazy to actually try to type as you can tell

But obviously Tamara won because she can do the kalinka and no one else can. :P

Svetlana and Olga were so awed by this that they decided to let her ruin the nutcracker with her flawless (and by flawless I mean horrible) dancing. Abby went around stage screaming "IM A GURL IM A GURL
NO I WANNA BE A BOYYYYY" and Emma tried to do the kalinka but could not go all the way down, and was rustrated so she started chucking footballs at everyone.

The New York Times person was so delighted. This was the best performance he had ever seen. They got 134 stars and they cut out all the good parts of the review and pasted the horrible parts on their website.

"Ug...l...y...the...[horrible] footballs...No...t...beautiful...a...t...al...l"

And from then on Abby and Emma became professional dancers, where they spent three years at college to learn how to drop their microphones into the stage holes in Ukraine.


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