Chapter 4: Confession and Advantage

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As soon as I entered the class, I was receiving stares. I went and sat down on my seat and noticed that people were still staring at me in awe. That felt good.

I sat on my seat and turned around to face Ayanokouji.
He said to me, "So this is what you were going to do to increase your popularity, right?"

"Absolutely correct. It's an efficient way and I don't have to do much. The news will spread like wildfire and if all goes well, I might get voted as the most handsome guy in our year and getting information through girls will be a lot easier. I'll leave the boys to you since most of the boys won't talk to me normally because of all the girls getting attracted towards me, you know. Though I guess we won't need the boys' help, at all if possible."

"I understand. This is a considerable change though. Why didn't you do it before?" he said.

"I had my reasons." I said and then, I gave a short pause, then I continued, "I'll tell you someday."


"All right, students. Take your seats, homeroom is about to start now." said Chabashira-sensei as she came into the class.

Everybody took their seats and still, I could feel the girls staring at me with starry eyes and boys glaring at me with jealousy. That was too much attention.

"I'll be back in a minute. Don't leave the class." said Chabashira-sensei as she left the class for a minute or two in between her lecture. I could still feel the stares. I think I overheard some girls whispering "Don't you guys think that Miyamura-kun is looking so hot now!?" "I know, right? Who knew that that gloomy guy could look this hot?!"
"Yeah! It's not an exaggeration to say that he's the most handsome guy in our year!"

Then suddenly, Ike and Yamauchi stood up and came to me and then, Ike spoke up in an angry way, "Oi Miyamura! How did you manage to change your look this much?!"

"How would I know that? I mean, you have heard of genetics, right?" I asked him mockingly.

"Hey, don't act too smart! You're still the same gloomy guy." said Yamauchi.

"Umm....okay. If you guys don't have anything else to say then, return to your seats. Don't disturb me."

Those two had nerves popping out of their heads. Hehe. Then Chabashira-sensei came into the class and said, "Ike, Yamauchi, return to your seats!"

"Yes, sensei!" said Ike and Yamauchi in unison and then returned to their respective seats.

During the class, I recieved a text. I checked to see who it was from and it turned out to be from Ichinose. She asked me if we could get lunch together as she wanted to talk to me about something.
As I had no reason to disagree, I agreed to it. She said that she'd come to my class to pick me up.

Soon lunch break arrived and I turned around and said to Ayanokouji, "Sorry but I got invited by someone to have lunch with them."

"I see. Have fun."

"Sorry about this."

"Don't apologise. If someone had asked me too, I also wouldn't have been able to disagree."

"Thanks." I said as I stood up and started walking towards the door but was interrupted by Sato.

"H-hey, Miyamura-kun." she said.

"Hey, Sato." I said.

"Ah! Y-you know my name?" she asked.

"Well, I tried and remembered the names of most of my classmates on the first day." A lie, I already knew most of my classmates even before this reality was created. But I can't just say that now, can I?

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