Chapter 50~ goodbye

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"Ok ok one two three" Louis stresses as we lift niall out of the car and harry carries him bridal style.

"Come on then nialler" Liam coos holding danis hand as we walk into the airport I love it when we go without telling anyone it's always so quiet and peaceful.

Me and the girls start skipping and humming wizard of oz then Louis joins in making me laugh.

"Hang on a second" Zayn interiors us Perrie stops and walks over to me I give her a confused look which she returns.

Zayn goes over to niall and tickles his ribs lightly

"Ah stop" niall laughs falling to the ground

"You were awake all that time!" Harry shouts

"What I was tired" he laughs all the lads look at each other and know what to do all of the girls and me brach ourselves

"Pile on!" Harry shouts as they as jump on top of him.

"Careful!" I shout as they get off him and dust him off

"He has just had a knee op I don't want to have to go through the stress of having another" I tell them as Dani and El rub my shoulders gently don't get me wrong I love the boys but some times they can be a bit...immature.

"Sorry Zo" they say in unison walking slowly over to me whilst smirking.

"No no No no" I squeal as Harry lifts me up and they are start tickling me.

"Ahhh" I laugh as niall stands in the background watching I dunno if he's just tired but he doesn't look very happy.

" Paul get them off me!" I scream as they laugh "put me down" I squeal as Paul runs over taking me off them and putting me down

"She's a woman not a piece of meat" paul chuckles as I smile up at him

"Haley I'm just going to the toilets will you come with" I ask her with pleading eyes

"Oh yeah cause I need it too" she mumbles as I we fast walk to the toilets resulting in haley nearly slipping on the floor. Causing me to laugh.

"What's wrong?" She asks me giggling

"I'm just worried about niall I was wondering if you would keep an eye on him" I ask her pleadingly taking her hand in mine

"Why don't you look after him yourself" she asks me looking serious

"What do you mean?" I ask her and she smiles

"I mean come with us I know you don't have your stuff but I've got plenty I'm only going for the weekend then coming home you could come with me cause it's not like you need a passport when we are on a private jet" she smiles as I grin

"Haley are you sure I wouldn't want to be a pain in the ass" I ask her

"Of course I'm sure silly" she smiles hugging me tightly as we walk out of the toilets. Haley goes to tell harry what's going on and I walk and sit next to niall

"I'm gunna miss you so badly" he sighs running his hand through his hair

" Guys we have to go" Liam says running back from the info stand.

"Ok you take care of yourself I'll see you soon" I smile trying to be as confining as possible

He hugs me and I peck his cheek as they walk away "niall you need to go" I sigh as I walk away with El.

I turn round to see they have gone so I sneak round the side and one of the security gives me a lift to the jet. I smile to him as he walks on I sneak up the stairs trying not to get seen.

I go into the back of the jet and get changed into one of the spare air hostess uniforms what I know it's a bit extreme but come on you think I'm gunna let him get away with that Santa thing no way!

I straighten my hat so it is hiding my eyes and tie my hair into a neat bun walking over to the boys and haley. haley gives me a wink which i return

"Hello boys thank you for flying with us today my name is Zo-zolo yeah my name is Zolo would you like anything" I ask them keeping my head down niall just stares out of the window gloomely

"Excuse me Mr Horan someone's a bit grumpy" I say trying to act posh and stuck up.

"Well excuse me from being separated from my girlfriend for 3 months" he says sarcastically going of into his room (this plane has separate rooms ok hah)

"Zolo is that the best you could come up with" Haley laughs

"What I panicked" I smile looking down at the boys as there jaws drop

"Zoe what the hell are you doing here" Louis whispers/shouts

"Trying out being a air hostess.. what does it look like I'm doing" I say sarcastically.

"Oh I think the sass master of Doncaster was just out sassed high five sister" harry chuckles high fiving me

"Ok I'm gunna go see niall before anything else happens" I laugh slowly walking down the corridor to Nialls room and gently knocking on the door

"Who is it?" I hear a muffled voice from the other side of the door say

"Mr Horan may I come in" I say I don't get a reply so I slowly walk in to see him with his head amongst the pillows

"Oh sir what ever is the matter" I ask sitting down beside him

"I'm sorry for being so rude to you I just really want Zoe to be here" he says making my heart melt

"Why's that" I ask slowly stroking his shoulder

"Because she makes me feel so much better about myself I feel so nervous and alone" he whimpers into his pillow

"You don't have to feel alone Ni" I say clearing my throat my voice becoming normal again

"Zo" niall questions turning his head on his pillow to look at me I nod my head taking off my hat and taking down my hair letting it flow down my shoulders

I caress his cheek with the back of my hand slowly and lean down pecking his lips softly

"I feel so much better you being here" he smiles hugging me in as I lie beside him

"Baby I'm gunna get changed" I smile kissing his cheek

I get up and walk towards the door going to haley and Harrys room "hey haley could I just grab some pjs and some clothes for tomorrow please" I ask her as she does her hair in the mirror.

"Of course you can here" she says handing me a handful of clothes and a pair of red toms

"You know me to well" I laugh as she smirks you can always tell when you've found a best friend they just understand your needs and thoughts.

"Night Hal" I smile kissing her cheek exiting her room and walking across the corridor to The bathroom.

I get changed into my pjs and take the bobble from round my wrist and tie my hair into a messy bun on top of my head.

I wipe off my make up and whince at a spot on my chin but leave it walking to mine and Nialls room to find Niall asleep peacefully on the bed great.

I slowly walk over to the side of the bed and slowly take off his shoes and socks trying not to wake him up he is wearing joggers and a Tshirt so I leave them on I take the plain white duvet and lie it over him as I get in beside him kissing his cheek and cuddling into his warm chest breathing in his minty scent.

"Night Ni I love you" I whisper hugging into his clothed body I fell a arm wrap round my waist and squeal.

"Sh Zo it's just me" niall chuckles kissing my forehead

"You do realise there's no need to be worried" I say stroking his cheek with my thumb he frowns and takes my hand in his rubbing circles on it.

"I know I've just worried myself I just don't want to let the boys down" he says truthfully which just shows that words can hurt more than actions.

"Aw Ni you aren't going to let them down you are a wonderful singer and a great person we will always be here for you no matter what happens" I whisper taking my hand and rubbing his side

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