Chapter 20~Hide!

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Yup it's September and you guessed it the day before Nialls birthday

I feel really bad because Ni is devastated cause I can't come

Wrong! El and Dani and perrie insisted on getting plane tickets to go and see the boys

Niall has no idea so it's really hard to keep it a secret but hey it will be worth it

"You ready Zo?" Perrie asks me as we get off the plane

"Yeah I haven't seen the boys in 4weeks so I'm buzzing" I squeal making them laugh

"Who's picking us up?" I ask them

"Harry" dani tells me

"Ohh" Is all I can say Harry had never answered the text I sent him about a month ago plus i call him all the time and not once has he picked up so I am upset about it because I was quite close with harry and I don't know what's happened

"Don't worry babe you will get it sorted ok?" El comforts me as we wait for Harry to come

"Here he is!" El squeals running up to him and hugging him

"Hey girls miss me?" he chuckles as all the girls engulf him into a huge hug all except me that is

"That's a understatement" Dani laughs as we walk to his car the girls run and jump in I catch up with Harry

"Um Harry?" I say tapping his shoulder lightly

"Yeah" he says turning around

"When we get back when we get some time can I can I talk to you?" I ask

"Sure" he says forcing a smile I smile back tearing up and getting into the car

El gives me a are you ok look and I just nod

"Welcome to your accommodation for the next 12hrs me and the lads are just down the corridor and I'm gunna tell Lou Liam and zayn your here ok?" he tells us

"Okay" we all smile as he leaves

"What did you say to harry?" they all question me

"It's not important ill tell you later" I try to smile

"Girls?"we hear the boys sy from the kitchen

"Lou!?" I Eleanor says jumping to her feet running with Perrie and Dani into the kitchen

"Lou Oh my gosh I've missed you so much!" El says hugging him as he spins her round as the girls do the same

"Harry can I can I talk to you now?" I ask tapping his shoulder

"Not right now" he says shrugging me off

"For Gods sake" I say under my breath

"Guys Nialls coming!" Paul says barging through the door

"Quick Zo hide!" El shouts

"What about you?" I ask as I get into the kitchen cupboard

"It's fine I got it covered" she says shutting the door

"Hey Ni surprise!" they all scream knowing my boyfriend is right next to me but knowing I can't see or hug him is so frustrating

"Oh god girls when did you get here" he laughs

"Just before!" they squeal

"Where's Zo?" he questions oh god

"S..she couldn't come Ni she was getting job interviews" El says oh my god I just wanna burst through this door

"Oh" he says I can hear upset in his voice

"But she says she's sorry and she will Skype you" Dani tells him

"Oh ok" he sighs going out and slamming the door

El opens the cupboard door as the boys leave and tells us to get some sleep

"Come on" El says pulling me to my bed and locking the front door incase Niall decides to come round

"That was so hard it's his birthday and hearing the upset in his voice was awful" I sigh

"It's okay just think this time tomorrow you will be with Nialler probably doing you know what" they laugh

"Ohhhhhhhhh" they say putting let's get it on on there iPod laughing

"Shut up we haven't done anything like that" I say turning red instantly the music goes off

"YOU WHAT!" Dani shouts

"So your telling me Niall hasn't even tried!" El asks me

"No" I tell them honestly

"Oh my god how the f....." Dani tries to say but perrie interrupts her

"Ok ok Dani that's enough so what if they haven't that's there decision god it's not that big a deal" Perie laughs

"Anyway I'm gunna go to bed before anymore of these conversations start plus I'm jet lagged night girls love you" I say

"Night" they all say and yes tomorrow I get to see Niall and yes I'm excited

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