Chapter 6~Hospital

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*Niall POV*

She has to wake up she just has to ill never ever forgive myself

A couple of minutes later Dani comes in with tears in her eyes

And runs over to me "Niall I'm so sorry I should of told you it's all my fault" she cries

"Dani dont blame yourself she told you not to tell anyone" I tell her hugging her

It turns out Zoe had gone into a coma from al the bruises and pressure her father had created on her small body

And because of the sudden change of eating nothing to eating a lot it had just shocked her body

Those marshmallows and that run was the last straw her body had a overload

She had never told me about her father but after she blacked out dani was forced to tell me and the lads

I'm so stupid for not noticing

"I'm such a idiot!" I shout causing the lads to run over to me and hug me

"Niall you weren't to know its bones fault" Liam reassures me

"We are just going to take dani to get something to eat do you wanna come Niall?" harry asks me I shake my head

"Okay we will bring you something back" he tells me

A nurse comes back and I quickly jump to my feet

"Can I see her?" I ask quickly

"Sure hun" she smiles pointing me to the room she is staying in I sprint down the corridor

She is lying there peacefully with a bruise on the top of her head this image makes me tear up but I hold it back

"Hey Zo" I say as I sit down next to her

"I know you might not be able to hear me but I love you so much I know I've only known you 2 months but it feels like I've know you all my life I wish I had I really do I love you so damn much babe please don't leave me okay stay strong I know you can" I whisper into her ear

I hug her but feel something in her pocket I pull it out its a little note book I begin to read through it it's all little songs she has wrote I tear up at the ones that have been based on me and her do I really mean that much to her I crying into her blanket why does this have to happen to her

"Aw Niall don't cry you'll set me off again babe" dani crys running to my side giving me a hug I hug into her and she gives me a friendly peck into my hair

"She loves you so much you know that Niall she's told me so many times I know she's gunna wake up she's a fighter" she tells me handing me a panini and a coffee

"I'm not hungry" I mumble

All the boys gasp " woah mate she really means that much to you?" Louis asks me

"Yeah she really does I love her to death" I sigh taking her small cold hand in mine

*4 hours later

"We're gunna head home Niall you coming"harry asks me as everyone leaves including Liam carrying a tired Danielle in his arms

"No I'm gunna stay" I sigh rubbing circles on her hand

She was still exactly the same weak but they think she is likely to pull through which cheers me up but there's always that chance

It's now 1am and I'm getting really tired

"Night Zo" I yawn as I place my head on her blankets getting ready for the cramp in the morning

*5 days later*

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