Chapter 1

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Right guys I'm so sorry I had to change the start because it was just to typical carroty fan fic to handle I was actually wincing at how bad jeez  anyway enjoy ☺️

😶Zoe *POV*😦

"Get your arse down here you scum" He shouts at me making me jump at the tone of his voice.

I decide to ignore him... Big mistake.

I slide down the wall knowing what's to come .

"Did you hear me you bitch I said get down stairs but did you listen no you are to busy doing your hair!"he yells at me bursting through the door

I turn round and roll my eyes "Anythings better than talking to you" I say to myself a little louder than planned

"What did you just say!" He yells in my face stepping closer to me so close I can smell a mix of liqueur and whiskey on his breath yup I should of known... He's drunk.

"I said Anythings better than talking to you "I snap before I knew it I was on the floor I felt a lump rise in my throat.

"I worked hard to find that job for you and you throw it back in my face you low life" he says to me making me snort in disbelief.

"Ha you got me that job you can't even get the fridge to open without my help and if it wasn't for you throwing your weight around in there I would still have the flipping job wouldn't I " I snap he is so ridiculous trying to pin him being drunk of his head on me

"Get out!" I looked at him confused

"Your in my room" I yell

"No out the house I never want to see your fat arse again" he says punching me in the stomach making me wince in pain yup it's my time of the month

I start to cry slightly as he exits my room I quickly pack my stuff and pull my back pack over my shoulder and smash my piggy bank grabbing the silver coins and the occasional gold coin off the table.

Apparently I don't deserve nice things, instead my wages go towards my step fathers drinking .

I quickly pull my hair into a pony tail and put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a over sized football shirt I go down stairs grab my coat and slam the door now where.

I decide to go to McDonald's I haven't eaten in two days I decide on chicken Mc nuggets and large fries and a peach smoothie I quickly scoff it down and put the paper in the bin

Yup and I am one of those stereo typical messed up kids my mum left me and my step dad when I was 5 so yeah I don't know where she's gone and I don't think she's planning on coming back either   I never knew why and I always thought it was my fault after a couple of years when I was 9 it really kicked in my mum wasn't coming back

That's what started the abuse towards me and that's what stopped me from living as a normal child hood but normals boring right?

Who am I kidding I'm just some lame girl who has no place to go and no life any more

After finishing my thoughts I realise its starting to rain heavy I quickly run under shelter outside an abandoned restaurant and hug my knees on the bench

I sit there clueless of what to do when a tall oldish man comes up to me he asks me for money but I tell him no he doesn't like this idea so he decides to attack me

As he hits me across the face I hear a thick Irish accent yell from across the street

"Oiii what are you doing!"He yells the man looks his direction and back at me and decides to run

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