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As soon as we get back I run back to mine and Els flat Niall had basically ignored me for the whole trip back

Dani had gone back to London for her dance

When I reach the door I knock on it gently

"Zoe!" El squeals I can't help it anymore I start to cry

"I'm such a awful girlfriend" I cry

"Come on babe" El sighs pulling me into the apartment

She pulls me in our room and hugs me as I cry

"Shh calm down can you tell me whats happened?" she comforts me

I simply nod "when we were in Ireland Niall bought a flat and asked me to live with him"

"Aw what did you say?" she says

"Yes" I whisper

"So I don't understand" she says

"No that's not it we were messing about and he kissed me and tried to you know" I sigh putting my head down

"It's ok babe"

"No it's not ok I ran away from him I'm such a awful girlfriend he's probably gunna finish me cause he thinks I don't want him and I dont like him " I cry

"That's not true and if you didn't feel comfortable with him doing that then that's not your fault hun" she sighs hugging me

"I just I was just scared he's probably done it quite a few times" I sigh

"What did he say when you came back?"

"Nothing really he ignored me the whole way home an.."

"Right that's it I'm going to talk to him!" El shouts

"No El you can't show I'm upset!" I cry


"El please don't" I cry again

"Okay okay I won't but you'll have to face him" she sighs

"El that's your phone" I say throwing it to her

"It's Louis" she smiles answering the call

"Hey Lou" she says

"Yeah...Yeah... I dunno yeah.. we will see you soon bye"

"What did he want?" I sniff

"We're going to the pool so go get changed" she smiles

"Okay el have you got anything I could use to cover up my bruise" I say coming out the bathroom wearing my bikini

"You don't need anything babe it's a private pool" she whispers hugging me

"El stop worrying ok ill just have to see how it goes he might be okay" I sigh tearing up

"Ok let's go" she says wiping my eyes we both walk down to the pool I'm so scared about Niall and what he's gunna do and say I miss feeling that he's there for me

When we get to the pool the lads are all there accept..Niall

"Hey Liam" I smile hugging his soaking wet body

"Hey Zo how's Denise's baby?"

"Great he's called Theo" I smile


"Um Liam where's Niall?" I ask him

"Oh he's just getting changed he'll be down In a minute" Liam laughs jumping into the pool

"Come on then!" louis shouts el jumps in and I take off my shorts and top revealing my bikini underneath

Harry whistles making me laugh and blush

"Shut up harry" I hear zayn shout as I jump in accidentally landing on Harry going underwater

When we rise to the surface I wipe my eyes noticing harry has his arms around me I think nothing of it and laugh

As he hugs me I let go as El and louis grab me from behind

"Harry!" I scream

"I'm coming fare lady" he laughs as we all splash each other

"Uh hem" we all look round to see Niall there socking wet El goes under water to hold her laughter

"Um hey Ni" I say

"Hi" he simply says getting into the pool

"I can't do this" I whisper to El

"Yes you can" she whispers back

"I've got an Idea come on Zo!" Louis says pulling me out and round the corner into the spa area

"Thank you" I whisper

"It's fine babe now tell me what's wrong" he tells me

I tell him the story and he just sits there not talking

"Say something" I mumble

"I don't know what to say are you okay are you upset" he asks

"Yes and yes I hate this Louis he's probably really upset and it's my fault"

"No it's not you should just talk to him" louis sighs

"If only it were that simple" I sigh

"Come on matey" louis laughs handing me a water gun

"Lets go kick some ass" El laughs running in

We all run out and louis throws the boys a water gun each

"Get ready set go" he shouts as I run off with harry,and El with !louis and niall with Liam

Harry grabs my hand and pulls me behind a bush

"Shh" he whispers making me laugh

"So are you gunna tell me what's up" harry asks me with concern

"I don't know I hate re telling it" I sigh

"Don't worry it's okay" he whispers

I tell him what's happened and he hugs me

"Niall wouldn't of ment it maybe you just handled it wrong but it's not your fault you were scared ok so don't beat yourself up over it sis" he laughs


"Yeah your like my sister so that's what I'm gunna call you"

"Ok bruh" I laugh

"Sh there coming" he whispers as we look round the corner Nialls sitting down with his head in his hands and Liam beside him

"I'm just gunna get a closer" I tell harry

"Ok but don't let them see you"

I sneak into a bush behind them and listen

"She hates me Liam I'm such a idiot" he sighs

"No your not she was probably just scared"

He looks up and tears up

"See I couldn't even figure that out" he yells

"Shh Niall it's ok you just need to talk"Liam comforts him

He burst out crying "I hate this Liam I can never ever be a good boyfriend to her if I'm away all the time!"

"She probably hates me!" That's when I decided I couldn't do it anymore I run upstairs and into Els flat

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