Chapter 56~nerves?

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"Here we go" i sigh stepping onto the small private jet waiting for us

Niall walks on close behind and sits beside me

"It's not that long of a flight is it" I ask him as he shakes his head

"Half an hour to an hour at the most" he tells me hugging me into his side Gently

"Your very fidgety..Niall what are you nervous about" I ask him starting to get a little bit worried about him

"Nothing I'm fine" no your not I say to myself

"Liar" I sigh

When we land we go into the airport and sit down for a coffee

"When's your next tour hun" I ask him as he sits oppersite me at the little table

"Um sometime after Christmas so January" he smiles taking a short sip from his coffee

"Good good" I smile taking a sip from mine

"Do you wanna get back" I smile taking two take out cups from the bench and giving one to niall to pour his coffee into

"Come on then I can tell your desperate to get back and see Danielle and the others" niall chuckles as I jump up and down excitedly

"Ok ok I'm coming" he says laughing as I pick up my suitcase and drag it along as he takes the other and does the same

"Here comes the stamped" I say as we throw our coffee in the bin yeah we now aren't even aloud coffee incase a fan try's to jump on us and we spill it or something

Management treat them like wild animals I know they get excited but it's not their fault we try to ignore them and sign as many as possible.

"Ahhhhhhhh" they all scream as we come round the corner niall takes my hand protectively in his

"Hello love" I smile going up to some fans and taking many photos and signing auto graphs that people ask me to sign.

"Hey!" I shout as a few older teens start to push over a little girl

"Niall" I shout as I climb over the barrier and pass her to niall I get grabbed by a few people but I ignore them climbing back over desperate to see if the little girls ok

Then I realise "Hello sweet heart remember us" I ask the little girl I remember meeting in the shop with Niall called cara

She nods her head still shaking

"Where's your mummy darling" Niall asks her kneeling infront of her

"I don't know" she whimpers

"It's okay we will help you find her" I smile at her

"Come on then" Niall smiles picking her up and taking his suitcase in the other hand.

"It's ok" I tell her as we walk round and sit down on a bench away from fans

"Would you like something to eat hunny" niall asks her as she nods he goes off round the corner leaving me sitting beside her

"How are you and mummy doing" I ask her as she looks up at me cautiously

"We are ok mummy just went to the shop but I wanted to see you both so I ran away" she tells me as I sigh

"Cara you shouldn't run away from mummy like that you will make mummy very worried promise you won't do it again"

"I promise" she smiles as niall comes back round the corner with a little chocolate bar

"Look what Nialls got for you" I smile as she takes it from him taking little bites

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