Chapter 23~Bad dream?

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No no don't hurt him no no don't no!!!!

"Zo wake up Zo!" Niall shh's me waking me up from my nightmare as I cling to his shirt and cry

"What was it about baby?" he asks me

"I.I" I stutter

"Come on babe tell me it's ok I'm here nothing's going to happen" he tells me pulling me into his chest

"My had hold of me and had a gun but you pushed him over and he shot you" I cry

"It's ok babe that's not gunna happen he's not gunna find you okay?" he comforts me

"Ok" I sniffle hugging him


"Yeah Zo"

"If if he did find me will you promise you won't let him hurt any of us?" I ask him

"I promise now get some sleep babe"

I wake up and decide to do some dancing in the huge gym hall downstairs the boys had rented it out for the boys to stay in shape so it will be empty when I arrive I plug my phone into the speakers and put on

Chandelier I start to dance putting all of my emotions into it watching my self in the huge mirror covering the wall

I don't even notice Dani has came in
"Hey your getting good" dani smiles taking her place next to me

"Go again?" she asks

"Sure" I smile

"1..2..3..4" after we finish Dani looks at me shocked

"What's the matter" I ask

"You put so much emotion into that!" she tells me

"Ohh" I sigh

"What's going on babe?"

"It's just that song kinda describes what I went through" I sigh

"Oh I get it" she says

"Is harry up?"

"Yeah he's my hotel room trying to fix the cupboard why?" she asks

"I need to go talk to him?" I sigh

"Do you want my key?"

"Yeah please dan" I smile

"Here" she says handing it to me I quickly make my way up the stairs I need to see him before we go to Ireland

I quickly open the door I must give Harry a shock cause he hits his head off the cupboard

I try not to laugh he turns around and glares at me

"Woah some ones pissed at meh" I sigh

"You think?" he says sarcastically

"Harry what do you expect me to do I'm fudging sick of this!" I yell woah where did that come from

He stays quiet

"Harry please" I sigh

Still quiet

"Harry can you tell me what I've done? I've tried you ignored my calls and texts and when I try to talk to you you shrug me off and it fricking hurts!"I plead

"Huhhhhhhhh!" he sighs sitting on the bench and me sitting beside him

"Please harry we were so close and I miss it" I tell him

"It's just when you made that comment i I I'm just sick of being single ok!" he says

"Harry why didn't you just tell me" I sigh

"I guess I like bottling things up" he sighs

"Come here" I say jumping off the bench and opening my arms

He jumps off the bench and hugs me tight

"I'm sorry love' he mumbles into my hair

"It's ok hazz I've missed your hugs" I giggle

"Me too" he chuckles

"Plus I'm gunna be a Aunty" I tell him trying to act casual

"Wait WHAT!" he shouts with excitement

"Denise had a baby and me and Ni are gonna fly over this afternoon" I squeal jumping up and down

"Zo that's fantastic you'll have to send them my love!" he smiles spinning me round

"What's going on" Niall asks entering the room

"Ohh uh Zo was just telling me about Denise's baby" harry stutters

"Right... come on Zo we gotta leave" he says obviously annoyed

"Oh ok bye Haz" I say hugging him

"Bye zZo" he smiles

"Well that was rude" i say to Niall as we get into the back of Louis's car

"You think?" Niall retaliated

"What's up Niall" I ask what have I done now

"I'm just I'm just just I don't wanna talk about it" he sighs rubbing his head

"It's ok babe I get it" I sigh kissing his fore head

He sighs again and hugs me in

"Ill see you both soon okay take care of yourselfs" louis says hugging us

"We will dont worry" niall says taking my hand and pulling me onto the plane with him we take our seats and I take out my head phones

"Wait I want you to hear something!" Niall tells me plugging the head phones into his phone and scrolling down and clicking on a folder called four

"Niall what's this?" I ask

"Just listen" he shh's me

A familiar voice comes on its it's

"Oh my gosh Ni is this what I think it is" I squeal and he nods smiling

"I'm so proud of you babe" I squeal again hugging him

"I thought you should be one of the first people to listen" he chuckles

"You thought right" I smile kissing his cheek

"Ni Ni wake up" I coo

"What?" he moans

"Get up were here unless you don't wanna see your nephew" I tease

"Ok I'm up" he says lifting me over his shoulder and the bags with his over hand

"Ni!" I squeal

"Put me down!"

"Not happening babe"he chuckles

When we reach Nialls car in the car park we he places me in the passenger side and sits in the drivers side

"I hate you" I tell him

"I hate you more!" he shouts back

"I hate you most" I shout tapping the end of his nose making him chuckle

"Ok shut up"

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