Chapter 32~Christmas preparation and goodbyes

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2months later

"Morning Ni" I smile trying not to look bothered that he's going away

To my surprise he doesn't say anything he just leans down and kisses me

After a couple if minutes he stops "I'm so sorry you don't have to put on a brave face cause I know your upset"

With that I collapse into his arms and start to cry

"I know babe it's ok ill will get my work done and ill be back for Christmas I promise" he smiles

"Ok" I sigh

"Hey I don't have to go till later do you want to decorate the tree I put up last night?" he asks me

"Yeah sure" I smile

Danielle had gone to her !parents for Christmas Perrie had gone to Zayns house and Gemma had gone home the lads has gone away to get a early start leaving me with the louis,Niall and Eleanor

"Morning Zo" El smiles handing me a coffee

"Morning" I sigh collapsing on the bed

"Zo I'm sorry for saying this but you look awful" El sighs hugging me

"Nialls got the most work to do so he doesn't think he will be home for Christmas" I tell her tearing up again

She takes my hands in hers and looks at me "look Zo Niall loves you and I know he will do all he can to get back"

"Thanks El now lets get started" I say as Niall and Louis come down stairs

"Do you want me to take the other side" I ask Louis and Niall as they take the lights

"Nope we're fine" Niall says taking
The lights and starting to wrap them round the tree

Me and El just sit on the sofa with our coffee "this should be good" she whispers to me making me laugh

"Hey cheeky I heard that" Louis laughs

"No Lou you go that way I go that way" Niall yells as they begin to get tangled up

"No niall you go ahhhhhh" They both scream falling over and the tree soon after me and El start to panic for a second

"Owch" Louis says resulting in me and El erupting into fits of laughter

"Can you two stop laughing and help so I can get louis arse out of my face" Niall shouts

"Oh hah sorry" I laugh as we pull louis and Niall out from up under the tree

"It's not funny" Niall chuckles

"It is" I laugh hysterically as we put the trees back up we put the lights on properly and put the baubles on

By the time we finish its 4 o'clock and we are all exhausted we collapse on the sofa and start to watch Christmas movies El puts on Elf

"I love this film Will Ferrell is great" I laugh

A couple if minutes into the film Niall turns towards me and whispers into my ear "Babe I'm going to have to go finish packing" he sighs

"Oh ok do you want any help?" I ask him

"No no it's ok you stay down here" he says as louis and him make there way upstairs

"Great I've got nothing to cuddle into now " El laughs looking at me

"NOOO! El don't even" I am interrupted by her pitching on me and squishing me

"Ah that's better" she says snuggling into me

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