Blessed Are The Peace-Makers

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Blessed Are The Peacemakers

(This Chapter will be about Peace-makers)

Lady Karissa nicknamed her second daughter and child "The Little Peace-maker" as Lady Samhain started to grow up she was nothing like her eldest sister, Lady Elizabeth who was defiant, rebellious and high spirited like her father, Lord Andrew Charles.

Lady Elizabeth and Lord Andrew Charles would often be seen butting horns with each other and Lady Elizabeth reminded him that she was his heiress and nothing could replace her.

Lady Karissa would often have to remind Lady Elizabeth that the Old Gods and Goddesses were watching her every move and she must not anger them.

Lady Karissa reminded that good always overcomes evil and The Gods and Goddesses could bring anyone in power who they raised up and they would bring her down too if she didn't humble herself.

"Lady Elizabeth. You are 5 years old and I am going to read this scripture to you from The Bible and even though we are Pagans we believe we can learn from all the other major religions as they part truth in them." Lady Karissa tells her.

"When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan." Lady Karissa tells Lady Elizabeth.

"It is He who changes the times and the periods; He removes kings and appoints kings; He gives wisdom to wise men, And knowledge to people of understanding

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"It is He who changes the times and the periods; He removes kings and appoints kings; He gives wisdom to wise men, And knowledge to people of understanding." Lady Karissa tells Lady Elizabeth.

Lady Elizabeth listens to Lady Karissa and tells her that it is wise not to follow in her father's footsteps as she would be dishonoring her ancestors.

"Lady Elizabeth. You were born into a proud family that started with Lord John Howard and Lady Joan de Cornwall who was the great-granddaughter of King John and Queen Isabella of Angoulême." Lady Karissa tells Lady Elizabeth.

"You need to know that there are a lot of skeletons in the Howard family from the past

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"You need to know that there are a lot of skeletons in the Howard family from the past." Lady Karissa explains.

"Lord Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk turned against his own two nieces, Queen Anne Boleyn and Queen Katheryn Howard and both were executed by King Henry VIII." Lady Karissa tells Lady Elizabeth.

" Lady Karissa tells Lady Elizabeth

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"Lord Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey and Lord Thomas Howard 4th Duke of Norfolk were executed for high treason against their sovereigns

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"Lord Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey and Lord Thomas Howard 4th Duke of Norfolk were executed for high treason against their sovereigns." Lady Karissa explains.

"Other members of the Howard family did valiant and noble things for their sovereign." Lady Karissa explains.

"It is better to be a peace-maker and be loved by your people when the times comes and the Bible states this "

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." Lady Karissa tells Lady Elizabeth.

"You are very much like your father. I don't think that is very wise for a young woman to be like unless she can pick up on his good attributes." Lady Karissa tells her.

"From the day you were born. You were destined to become the first Duchess of Norfolk and in England there has only been two Duchesses of Norfolk and they are both your ancestors, Lady Margaret Plantagenet and Lady Anne de Mowbray." Lady Karissa tells her.

"Lady Margaret Plantagenet was the granddaughter of King John and Queen Isabella through the eldest son, King Edward I and his second wife, Queen Margaret of France who had Prince Thomas of Brotherton." Lady Karissa explains.

"It is through the marriage of his daughter, Lady Margaret that the first creation of The Duke of Norfolk came about but it was King John's son named Lord Richard and it was his daughter Lady Joan De Cornwall that married Sir John Howard."

"Sir John's son Robert married the eldest daughter of Thomas de Mowbray and their son, Lord John was the eldest grandson of Lord Thomas de Mowbray and as a result of his steadfast devotion to King Richard III he was awarded the Dukedom of Norfolk in 1483 but he was killed fighting for his sovereign King Richard III in 1485." Lady Karissa explains.

"Lord John Howard was a devout Yorkist." Lady Karissa states.

"King Richard's rule was short-lived as he murdered his own two nephews King Edward V and Prince Richard of York in the Tower of London in 1483." Lady Karissa tells her.

"Henry Tudor, who was the great-grandson of John of Gaunt through his mother, Lady Margaret Beaufort defeated King Richard III on Bosworth field in 1485." Lady Karissa states.

"You see nothing good comes out of being evil and it is always replaced with good." Lady Karissa tells her.

Lady Elizabeth listens to her mother and Lady Samhain who is only 3 years old is brought in and Lady Karissa tells her, " Lady Elizabeth. You must try to be more like your little sister, Lady Samhain who is the Duchess of Clarence."

Lady Elizabeth is very much like Lord Andrew Charles her father and throughout her life she butts horns with Lord Andrew Charles.

Lady Elizabeth is the only child out of their children who does have conflicts with Lord Andrew Charles and he doesn't like it when his daughter reminds him that one day she will become Duchess of Norfolk Territory.

Lady Elizabeth is young and there is still time to groom her in being a good Duchess of Norfolk Territory.

Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa have only been Duke and Duchess of Norfolk Territory for 5 years.

Lady Karissa leaves the governing of Norfolk Territory up to Lord Andrew Charles and she reminds him it is his cross to bear.

Lady Karissa in 2280 is expecting their third child and Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa pray to the Gods and Goddesses it is a son.

Their third child is due in June of 2280.

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