During the Pregnancy

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This is going to have a couple time skips but mostly just for this chapter

1 Week Later

Natasha and Bucky were sitting in there room once again both nervous not knowing what they would do with Bucky. Natasha didn't want him to leave he was sort of her emotional support buddy. She can't even remember what life was like before she had ever meet him and she didn't want to remember.

Bucky had a theory. At first he thought that Hydra would get him again, erase him memories and either put him on ice or go for another mission, but know he doesn't think that is the case.

Usually the first weeks of finding out you are pregnant they is a chance that you could easily miscarriage. It's just to early to tell anything. So, he thinks that since there is a chance that Natasha loses the baby they don't want to move Bucky then have to move Bucky back if she needs to get pregnant again. After a month though (after they find out if she is officially pregnant) they will get rid of him. Only time will tell.

1 Month Since News of Pregnancy

It had officially been one month since Natasha found out she was pregnant. It was night time and they have had heard nothing yet. Both her and Bucky were just sitting in the room waiting to hear the news if Bucky is staying or not.

Natasha wiped her head towards the door as she heard it make a noise. She was assuming the worse, thinking they would take Bucky away. She was wrong though. The person at the door wasn't Madame B telling them that she would be taking Bucky back to Hydra. It was actually the girl who comes in the room ever so often to fill up their food supplies.

A wave of relief washed over the both of them. It was to late for them to be getting any new news. Natasha had already had her tests today and so far she has had no complications with her pregnancy.

Both of Natasha and Bucky got to sleep the night comfortably with each other knowing they would be OK. Well at least during Natasha's pregnancy.

5 Months Since News of Pregnancy

Four months later and Natasha and Bucky have been doing good under the circumstances. Natasha of course has been in pain but that is nothing compared to what else she has been threw her whole time in The Red Room.

"How are you doing?" Bucky asked her in a soft tone. During the whole time they have been to together Natasha has really helped Bucky out so he wants to repay her back. Because of her her has been able to calm down more and even regain some of his old memories but he would never admit that not wanting either of them to get hurt.

"I'm doing alright the pain isn't as bad as it was yesterday." Natasha answered his

"That's good is there anything I can get you?" Bucky asked yet another question.

"No honey I'm ok I just need to-" Natasha tried to finish her sentence but before she could she felt this weird felling.

"Oh my god!" Natasha gasped.

"Oh no what's wrong, are you ok?"

"Yeah- I ummm, it just felt like my stomach was fluttering. Wait, I think that was the baby kicking." Natasha said excitedly.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes come feel my stomach." Natash said putting Bucky's hand on her stomach.

"Wow that feels weird."

"I know it's crazy."

Bucky takes his hand of Natasha's stomach and replaces it with his forehead.

"Hey there, you're actually in there. Well I'm so happy for the day you finally appear in this world." Bucky says in Natasha's stomach.

Natasha couldn't believe the stories she had heard about Bucky before she met him. She could never see how Bucky could do harm on anyone. She now understands that it was all forced on him but still. How could the person that was talking to her baby saying "I love you" be a assassin, she just couldn't see it ever happening.

Natasha continued to watch Bucky talk to her baby. In that moment she really did know that she would love him forever. She just hopes that whatever their future holds they will be able to do it together. Including her soon to be baby.

Currently she just assumed that they let Bucky stay in case anything happened. They don't know about the relationship that Bucky and Natasha have and they didn't want them to find out because if they did then they would definitely force Bucky to leave. So they were content with keeping the relationship a secret.

7 Months Since News of Pregnancy

"You know what I just realized." Bucky told Natasha as they were eating dinner.


"We don't even know the gender of the baby."

"Oh yeah. I kinda forgot about that usually by then you would be able to know what the gender is." Natasha said as just puts a fork of macaroni into her mouth.

"Well what would you want it to be?" Bucky asked intrigued what Natasha's answer will be.

"I never really thought about that. I guess I wouldn't mind either boy or a girl." Natasha answered. "What would you want?" Natasha asked Bucky. "Same as you I'm fine with whatever gender." Bucky also answered the same question

Coincidentally a couple days after they had that conversation Natasha was called to do another test for the baby and in that test she found out her babies gender.

It's a boy.

Natasha and Bucky were going to have a baby boy.

Natasha was happy to finally find out the gender but that happiness was then ruined with the sudden realization. Natasha new that The Red Room dealt with girls and Hydra felt with mostly boys. And as much as Natasha hates to admit it she now wishes it was a girl because she knew Hydra is more rough with boys. So who knows what's going to happen to her future child.

After the "appointment" Natasha was guided back to her room. When she walked into the room she told Bucky the good news and needless to say he was happy and he knew what that meant -they both did- but neither of them wanted to ruin this moment. But both new that they can't live in denial forever.

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