I Think it Went Well?

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Right when Peter got home he was immediately getting attacked with all different questions from Aunt May.

"So how was it?" She asked. "Are they nice? Do you think they like you? Will I ever get to meet them?"

"May, May calm down." Peter laughed.

His aunt always acted like this. She just really wanted to be included in her nephews life.

"Okay, okay." May put her hand up as if she was surrendering. "But really how was it?"

"It was great, more then great. Perfect even." Peter responded with glee. "I mean if you were to see where Mr. Star lived you would be so amazed. His coffee maker even looks all nice and expensive."

"Aww honey." May threw her arms around Peter to hug him. "I'm happy you got this chance to do something you really care about. I really am proud of you."

"Thanks May. That's means more then you will ever know. Sure it's cool to have a billionaire say your smart, but when you say it, it really means a lot." Peter really did love his aunt. She was like the mom he never had.

Pulling away from each other May then started to ask Peter if he had eaten yet. Which he responded no. After that May informed him that she made spaghetti. Peter's favorite.

During dinner all they talked about was Peter's new internship. The whole time May kept on repeating how proud she was of Peter. To which then made Peter blush during the whole dinner.

After they were both done eating they said good night to each other and both went to their rooms.

Peter entered his room excited because he knew he was going to finally be able to get into his Spider-Man suit and patrol. He was going to before he meet up with Mr. Stark but he was just so excited and wanted to get there early.

Peter slipped into his suit one leg at a time and one arm at a time.

When he was finished he opened his window and jumped out catching himself with a web.

Peter leaped from building to building and Peter loved it. Feeling the wind swish across his face and body was just something else.

I'm simple words it was great.

After a little bit of swinging Peter landed on some random building.

Crouching down he looked over his beautiful city.

To most people the city might look dirty to them. They are kinda right, but to Peter, the city was his home.

This city is apart of who he is.

Plus people never get to see the city like Peter gets to see it.

Up on the building you could see everything. A lady walking her dog, a couple on their first date walking around of even some people doing graffiti. Now graffiti is illegal but Peter never stopped it because most of them time it was good and had a good message (except for the ones that didn't which he stopped from happening).

The city to Peter couldn't be more perfect. Yeah it had its issues, but up on that building it was perfect.

The way sunsets would creep up on you, coming through the cracks of tall buildings. The same buildings filled with thousands of windows gleaming from the sun. The way the colors would just blend together.

Peter felt bad for people that could never experience his New York. The New York he saw on top of that building.

After Peter got a good look of the city he went on with his patrol.

It was pretty normal. Nothing big. Just a couple of rude people stealing little old lady's purses and a guy who wouldn't say no to a girl.

Peter might have gotten a little rough with the last guy, pushing him a little harder then he usually does. If he had learned anything from living with a women, it was that when a girl says no she means it so just move on.

The guy wouldn't so he got pushed. It seemed perfectly reasonable in Peter's mind.

After that peter got home around 2 AM. Peter is always tired. Between all of his school work and being Spider-Man, it was tiring. To Peter though, it was worth it. Saving lives that is. Not having loads of homework. Thankfully, Peter did all of his school work at Mr. Starks lab which means he could go to sleep.

When Peter got out of his suit, he started to look around his room. When he did so he noticed a few things were off. For starters his desk with all of his notebooks that contain his web formula were all scattered. Then he noticed that his nightstand table was a mess and some random things were moved around in his closet.

When Peter first got in his room after dinner he didn't really look anywhere because he was so excited to go on patrol. So he never saw that his room was a little off. Or maybe nothing was off and someone was in his room while he was out patrolling.

Peter's started to panic before he finally calmed himself down. Someone couldn't have been in his room when he was patrolling. Plus Peter remembered that during dinner May said she lost her laptop. Maybe she went into his room to find it.

"Peter you need to calm down it's fine just go to bed." Peter started to talk to himself.

And with that Peter went to bed, his worries washing off him as he dozed off.


Peter woke up and as usual he took the bus to school and went on with his day. The day went really fast between him talking with Ned for most of his classes and the utter excitement Peter was feeling. He was just really excited to go back to the Avengers tower.

Thankfully it was already the end off school. When Peter left the building he headed to the bus station to go to the tower. When he got there he was greeted with FRIDAYS voice.

"Hell Mr. Parker nice to see you." Friday greeted in her monotone voice.

"Hey FRIDAY. Oh and you don't have to call me that you can just call me Peter."

"As you wish Peter. Mr. Stark wanted me to inform you that he wants you to meet his in the living room." Peter heard that and immediately went up there.

When the elevator doors opened everyone turned their heads to look at Peter. Literally everyone. Because all of the Avengers were in the living room.

"Barton we will talk about this later." Mr. Stark said in a almost mad tone. "Hey Peter, how are you?" Mr. Stark turned around and asked.

"Umm I good." Peter responded getting out of the elevator.

"Good to hear. Well if you need us we will be in my lab." Tony turned around again saying the last part towards the Avengers.

He then turned back and put his arm around Peter's shoulder.

"So what amazing things are you going to do today little me?" Mr. Stark asked.

"Calculus homework."

"Ahh very exciting."

"Sure. Oh what were you talking about before I got here?" Peter was now the one to ask the questions.

"Oh that yeah just some annoying Avenger stuff you don't have to worry about. Paperwork and stuff like that." Mr. Stark waved off.

Peter left it at that believing Mr. Stark. It's not like he had any reason to lie.

With that they walked off to Mr. Starks lab to do whatever they wanted.

Omg I haven't updated during the whole summer. Whoops. Well I just wanted to say that while you are reading this I am working on the next chapter so hopefully it will be up by tomorrow but who ever knows when it comes to me. Well anyways I love y'all, thanks for reading and voting. It really does make me happy and want to write more and......

Peace ✌🏽

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