Poor Peter Parker

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                          1 year later

Peter settled into his "new" life pretty easily. How could he not. He had an incredible mother and father that cared about him. He had a pretty great life for a seven year old.

But, that all changed when his parents went away for a trip.


"Hey Peter, me and your mom are going to be gone for a while but, you are going to be staying with your Aunt and Uncle." Peter's dad told him crouching down to his eye level since he was sitting on the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Young Peter asked.

"Well honey we have to go somewhere for work." His mother explained to him,

"But, I thought you were retired?" He asked yet another question.

"Well it's very complicated but, we will explain when your older." His dad re-insured him.

With that the Parker family said goodbye for the last time. Peter watched as his parents left. Not knowing that, that was going to be the last time ever seeing the two of them because that day the plane that held his parents crashed and everyone on bored died.

Peter remembered when he was told his parents were dead like it was yesterday. Sure it only happened a couple months ago but still.

After his parents died he was given to his aunt and uncle to take care of him. Sure he loved them but they still weren't his parents.

Losing a parent at the age of seven is a pretty hard thing to go through. Especially when you lose both of them.

Peter learned how to cope eventually. It took sometime but he thankfully had his Aunt and Uncle.

                   Another year later

Peter should have known that his life could be haply because a year after his parents died his uncle was shot and killed.

Now Peter had lost almost everyone he cared for at the age of eight. The only person he had left now was aunt May.

They were all each other had.

Peter knew now that he had a responsibility to protect May since she was all he had left (well at least that's what he thought.)

                          7 years later

Peter was now officially fifteen. After Ben died him and May were crushed but they finally moved on -sort of- and they were now back into their normal routine. Peter's life was alright now. He went to school came home worked on some random stuff ate dinner and they went to asleep. A cycle he had gotten used. But, he couldn't help to feel like something was missing. Like there was apart of him that he wasn't aware of.

That however changed when he went to a field trip to Oscorp where he gotten bitten by a spider.

At first Peter didn't notice any changes until the day after. He woke up and all of a sudden be was different (he of corse didn't know though that he had already had these powers that were once suppressed but now thanks to the bite, his powers were kicked back in again.)

He was terrified. He was just a kid what was he supposed to do? When he first got his powers he was just going to pretend that he didn't have them but, then he remembered Ben and his parents. He knew that they would want him to use them to help people. Not matter how scared he was, he knew this is what his family would want.

And with that Peter used his powers for good. He even got the name as Spider-Man. His life was pretty great now. He had his aunt, Ned, MJ and is now a superhero.

His life was great again but he didn't even know half of what was going to happen to him in the future.

(A/N) I know that this was a short chapter but I have been pretty busy recently (and I know that is a lame excuse) but I wanted to post this so y'all at least had something. But I'm going to be posting soon (like most likely this weekend) a new chapter that will be WAY longer than this one. So yeah I know right now the chapters have been all jumped recently but like I said in the next couple chapters it's gonna be the actual story. (Im still kinda figuring out what to do with this story cause I have so many ideas) but yeah thanks for reading

New chapter soon!!!

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