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After leaving the tower, Tony and Peter arrived at the apartment. Peter might love the tower, but nothing could beat his apartment. Sure it was old and deteriorating right in front or his, but that didn't matter. To Peter, his apartment would be his home no matter what.

It's held all his good and bad memories. No fancy tower can change his mind about his little apartment.

"We'll probably finish up here fast because I don't need much." Peter explained as they walked up the stairs.

"Remind me why we are doing this ourselves  instead of hiring people to do it like I suggested in the car?"

"You are literally the one who asked if I wanted to come here to get my stuff. Why would I hire someone if I can do it myself?"

"Because, if we hired people I wouldn't have to leave the comfort of my car. You know, the thing with air conditioning." Tony swiped off some sweat from his forehead.

"Come on. It's not even that bad!"

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with before I pass out from heat exhaustion."

"Has anyone ever tell you that you're dramatic" Peter took out his keys searching for this right one to open his front door.

Searching through his keys, he finally found the right one. Peter opened the door to his apartment and instantly some thing felt wrong.

Peter never really understood what people meant when they said they had a "gut feeling" until he got his powers.

It was a horrible feeling. Waves of unease would crash over his body like a wave washing up on sand at a beach. This feeling of dread wouldn't leave his body until he figured out what was wrong.

Tony notices Peter's change of attitude and asks what's wrong.

"I'm not sure" Peter answered looking around the room.

Nothing seemed missing or out of place, so it's not like he was robbed. Oddly enough, everything looked perfect. It was getting late which meant there was a sunset. The light from the sun perfectly lit up the room in a way he's never seen. It looked beautiful. So why was he so on edge?

"Well then if everything's alright, can we speed this thing up? This apartment makes me sad."

"Don't be rude." Peter scolded him.

"Ah-ha! You snapped out of it. It was like you were here, but you weren't at the same time. Are you sure you're good?" Tony likes to joke around a lot but something seriously seemed wrong with Peter.

"Yeah, it's just," Peter groans covering his face with his hand, dragging them down his face. "Something seems off."

"Should I be concerned or?"

Peter quickly look around one more time before deciding that he was just being weird and nervous about nothing. He was probably just sad that he wouldn't see this place everyday for a while. Like he said, he loves his apartment.

"No. I'll just grab a couple things from my room and we can head out." Peter pointed to the direction of his room.

Entering his room gives him a different feeling compared to the one he got when he first entered the apartment.

His room always gave him a feeling of comfort and safety. This was the place where he could geek out about Lego's with Ned and not worry about what kids like Flash thought about him. He tried to tell himself that he didn't care what people thought about him, but in a way, he still does. It's not like he's eager to be popular, but it would be cool to not be called Penis Parker.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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