New Opportunities

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Peter was happy

So happy he could be just told that he got a new dog and he wouldn't have cared.

Ok that's a little extra. Peter loves dogs to  much to not be happy about them, but that's not the point.

That point is that Peter is happy.

"Ned!" Peter shouted into his phone.

"Geez dude. Calm down. Why are you yelling?" Ned asked.

"Ned if you knew how dumb that question is you would be ashamed."

"You know you are really making me want to hang up on you right now."

"Ok, ok I'm sorry." Peter apologized. He was just to happy to contain any of his excitement.

"Alright then I forgive you. Now what's got you so happy?

"Well let's just say you are looking at Tony Stark's new personal intern."

"First of all, I can't look at you because this is a call, second of all what!" Ned seemed weirdly calm until that last part.

"I know right! I'm so excited I can't even breath right now."

"Well you're gonna have to because you need to tell me everything like at this instant." Ned demanded, but not in a mean way of course. More in a Ned type of a demand. One you do not because your intimidated but more of because you know if you do it, he would be  happy.

"Alright so you know how are school did a science project thingy that was mandatory to all classes?" 

"Yeah, what about it?"

"So you know how they made everyone sign up for it and we were both like "I wonder why they are doing this" and blah blah.."

"Peter!" Ned interrupted him. "Get to the point. Please." Ned added the last part not wanting to sound rude.

"Right yeah, so obviously they did that as a grade, but apparently it was also a competition. It turns out Mr. Stark has been looking for a young person to be his intern for a long time, so he asked our school to have a competition to see who would be the best fit for the job and I won!" Peter spoke in what seemed like one big breath.

"Woah dude good job." Ned congratulated him.


Of course what Peter told Ned was the truth. But, it might not have been the entire truth. Peter actually did win the competition but that's not the full reason why Tony picked him. Tony was given a paper with the top three people and he wasn't sure who to pick because Peter only won by a single point. Tony didn't want to solely judge on that since he knew how much it sucked to fall so short. This being his logic, Tony thought it would be a good idea to do a background check on the three kids. This way he could judge them based on not only their intelligence, but their personality's.

All of it was pretty normal stuff until he started to look more into Peter.

Which is when he connected that Peter was Spider-Man.

Not only was Peter smart, but Tony now knew that he was truly a good kid.

With that he called the school to tell them who he picked so they could give Peter the good news via a letter, but that wasn't good enough for Tony. If he didn't make everything dramatic then would he even be the Tony Stark?

Tony instead went right to Peter's house -or to be more correct, his apartment- to personally tell him the good news. Naturally Tony being Tony, he didn't think to warn Peter's family -to be more correct again, his Aunt- that he would be coming and Peter wasn't there.

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