Chapter 1

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Like everyday, Canada and America are taking a walk in the CountryHuman's city, Quebec right behind them. She is looking at her phone while her two brothers are talking about some agreement that was signed the same morning. She sighs while her head lifts a little to look around her. Her red brother turns at the same moment towards her, smiling.

Canada : Becky! Tell him that I'm right!
Quebec : about?
America : You never listen to our discussion!
Quebec : Because you always talk about the meeting or about your allies and enemies... you know I'm not interested in that!

Canada : Quebec, you are in the meetings too, you know?
Quebec : Yea... by formality! Each time I hide behind you because I don't have the right to say shit! Just because I'm a province! So sorry if I don't care about these subjects!

America : Becky... You have the right to talk too... To Nada only, but he can talk for you!

Quebec : Right... that's the point... I'm not a country, so I have to rely on Nada all the time...

Canada : why didn't you become independent, when you wanted, then?

Quebec : ... For multiple reasons that haven't changed...
America : then stop whining about it!
Quebec : I'll stop when you'll stop trying to bring me into your diplomatic conversations, Amé!

America : God, you're a pain in the ass, when you want to!

Quebec: Yea yea! I know... can we get this coffe or...?

Canada: We are almost there... What about a race?

Quebec : hmmm.... Why not?!

The ones who speak french giggle before starting to run, America joining them a second after. At first, Quebec was sure of winning, but when her legs started to hurt, she had to slow down a bit, letting Canada and America fight for the first place. With a sigh, the province joins her brothers and smiles, before she shrugs at the worried gaze from Canada.

Quebec : you both really are faster than me!

Canada : You slowed down, Becky!

Quebec : Nha, you two are just fast! Right Amé?

America : Right! We are the best, nada! Stop giving her more than she has!

Quebec giggles and rolls her eyes, using her half-brother's HUGE ego, while Canada enters the cafe, smiling. He asks for their favorite drinks and waits for the order while he sees his sister sitting right next to him, on the counter.

Canada : hmm? Where's Amé?

Quebec : hum... don't know... He told me to wait for him with you and left somewhere in the café... he's probably at the toilet...

Canada : Right... or fighting with Russia again...

Quebec : Hmm? I thought that the cold war was finished...

Canada : You know how he can't really forgive...

Quebec : ... right... Want me to look for him?

Canada : Please, becky... I'll wait at our usual table with our drinks...

Quebec : Oki! J'y vais, nada!

She jumps on the ground and walks fast towards the toilets, ready to be impolite and knock on the door, but instead, her feet slip and she falls in someone's arms. Taking a few minutes to understand what happened, the woman doesn't react... until she notices that she doesn't recognize the perfume of the man. She then steps back, not looking directly at the person while her face is a blushing mess.

Quebec : I'm SO sorry!!! Pardon!! I didn't mean to...

... : ... Just go...

Quebec : R-Right! Sorry!!

She bows and walks around him, not noticing the eyes of her victim following her. Russia crosses his arms, trying to understand who the heck is this person who fell on his torso. She arrives in front of the capitalist who already knows what's coming. The province puts her fists on her waist and starts scolding America who just sighs and apologizes under the communist's surprise.

Quebec : why are you always doing as you wish without thinking about us?! I hate being the one who runs after you because you wanna fight!!

America : I know becky! I'm sorry, but I just wanna make sure that he isn't here...

Quebec : ho come on! Stop overprotecting us with your excuses and come with me! Nada is waiting for us!

As they walk away, the woman grabbing America's wrist to pull him, Russia notices a surprised glare from the capitalist toward him. He can't notice anything more because his sister, Ukraine, pulls his sleeve.

Ukraine : what are you looking at, Rus?

Russia : The girl with America...

Ukraine : hmm? ... ho! It's Quebec!

Russia : You know her?

Ukraine : yea! She's Canada's sister!

Russia : I don't remember seeing this country at any meeting...

Ukraine : Yea, she avoids most of them and hides for the one she goes to... because she isn't a country.

Russia : what?

Ukraine : yea, she's a province, not a country... though, she's nice, so I don't get why people are mean to her...

Russia : ... I never heard of a province being alive like us before...

Ukraine : Don't know... Canada never told me about it... each time I asked, he seemed guilty and embarrassed...

Russia : hmm... ok... as long as she doesn't try to fight with me... I wouldn't like to cause a war with America again because I would have hurt his little sister...

Ukraine : *mumble* hmm? Isn't it like... *lost in her thoughts*

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