Chapter 15

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Quebec waits in the park alone, her nose on her phone. She came here with Cuba and Switzerland, but the first one had to leave in a hurry and the second one went to the public toilets of the park, so the province swings silently, still trying to figure out how her brother will deal with Belgium. It's only been a day, give him more time before asking him if he needs your help, idiote! sighs Quebec as she searches online for some russian song, just to be able to do some karaoke with Russia... more like to have an argument to push Russia in a karaoke.

She texts Russia to make sure that everything is still okay. He reassures her and asks her the same question. She explains to him the situation with an embarrassed emoji, her face making the exact same expression. She's sure that she sounds weak and fragile and she knows that her friend will tell her that she is. Or at least, she thinks so, but the woman jumps in surprise when she sees the text from him.


I'm coming to see you. Don't worry, I'll be there for you.

Quebec : *groan and blushes* can't you stay logical ? I mean... you are cold and harsh or nice and warm? God!!

As she kicks the air out of anger, her heart is not able to choose exactly how to feel as her mind rages by that contradicting information she has. The province is so stuck in her contrary feelings that she doesn't notice someone coming close to her. The country waits in front of her until she notices him. It takes a good five minutes for her to realise that she isn't alone.

Quebec : Ha, Suisse, you're... *lose her breath and stop her swing as far as she can*

Belgium : Wrong one... *sighs* you seem scared... something's wrong?

Quebec : n-nothing...

Belgium : you don't know how to lie, Quebec ... *worried* Tell me... I won't hurt you, I promise...

Quebec : ... N-Nada didn't talk to you, yet?

Belgium : no, not yet... we both have to meet in an hour at the café near here... I wanted to wait in the park and I saw you...

Quebec : ho, I see...

Belgium : So? Care to tell me why you're scared of me?

Quebec : *look away* Everyone is telling me that you want to... *sighs* to have sex with me more than I thought...

Belgium : And you're scared of that?

Quebec : yes and no... you're just a friend to me and I didn't... I didn't understand that it's me you wanted more than just sex when you were... you know...

Belgium : making a move?

Quebec : y-yea...

Belgium : And you're scared because it's you that I want?

Quebec : ... Sort of... I... I just feel stupid... I should have told you before that I'm not interested in you that way... I'm sorry...

Belgium : You're kidding me? You accepted all these dates!

Quebec : I thought it was your way to say ''hang out''... *really uneasy* I'm sorry, Belgium... Really...

Belgium : Seriously? How mean are you, Quebec? You're playing with me!
Quebec : It wasn't on purpose, I swear...

Belgium : My ass!

The country takes Quebec's wrist to pull her toward him. Despite her pulling the other way to free herself, the province feels her body approaching Belgium. He tries to force her to look at him in the eyes, his other hand grabbing her chin, but she keeps her eyes forcefully closed.

Belgium : look at me and tell me the truth!

Quebec : I'm telling you the truth! I didn't mean to play with you, I swear! It's a misunderstanding!!
Belgium : How could you misunderstand what I wanted to THIS point?!
Quebec : Please let me go... you're hurting me...

As soon as she says that, Quebec feels the pressure decrease. He... He did what I asked? thinks the woman as she opens an eye to see a scene she couldn't imagine. Russia is holding Belgium's shoulder so hard that she can see the one who was talking to her before tightening their jaws in a painful expression. Ukraine's brother uses his other hand to pull his friend against his torso, gaining an unusual reaction from her : she snuggles in his arm and hides her face.

Belgium : Let me go, Russia! You're hurting me without knowing what's going on!

Russia : I know all of it. You should forget her immediately, instead of faking friendship!
Belgium : I'm not faking a friendship, I was courting her!
Russia : not really if she didn't know it... Now leave or I'm going to find a way to make you suffer.

Russia lets go of the other country that looks away, pissed off, and he leaves. Quebec feels her friend's second hand stroking her back as she breathes with difficulties. No words are said, but they both feel worried for the other, not sure of what to say or do. She's still trembling... I should do something, but what? What would make her laugh? Russia feels his brains overthinking as he stares at his friend's eyes.

Quebec : I'm sorry, I'm weak...

Russia : нет, you're strong.

Quebec : hun? How? I'm... I needed your help with him, I didn't make him go away, you did! You're strong and... And I'm weak!

Russia : did you sew some paper towel in your jacket again?

Quebec : What? heu.. .yea, just in case I get hurt... why? What does it have to do with our argument?
Russia : You're strong enough to hide your weaknesses and to be prepared in case something goes wrong. For me, you're strong... unless you drink vodka.

Quebec : *giggle* idiot...*smile* thank you... for saving me and for raising my mood...

Russia : I just do what you do all the time...

Quebec : *blushes* I... I never saved you for all I know...

Russia : *lean close to her ear and whisper* you saved me each time I called for your help...

The province blushes and freezes, not understanding why she shivered as she felt her heart getting warmer. Her hands tighten her grip on her friend to make sure he doesn't see her widen eyes and dark cheeks. As for the country, he smirks since he felt her shiver in his arms and thinks about a way to tease his friend.

Switzerland : Sorry, lover birds, but I need to know if I'm the one who's gonna escort Milady to her house...

Quebec tries to jump away from Russia's arms, but he holds too tight on her. Embarrassed, she denies the nickname as she tries to tell her friend what happened... in vain, she stutters so much that she hears her friends' laugh. The province sulks while she shivers with the same feeling that made her blush a minute ago. Russia can't stop laughing as he lets go of his friend who continues to sulk and blush at the same time.

Swaitzerland : *calm his laugh* ok, seriously, do you want to go back home with Russia, Quebec?

Quebec : S-sure... I don't mind... But I don't think I risk a lot now... Россия scared Belgium and he was going to see my brother... So I think he'll know now...

Switzerland : *snigger* I see.. but, just in case, stay with Russia for now.

Quebec : o-ok...

Russia : wanna come to my place? We could do a Battlefield.
Quebec : *a blushing mess* why not? 

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