Chapter 5

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America slams the door open, waking up Quebec who just got back home two hours earlier. She growls and sighs while looking at her half brother, pissed off. He just smiled at her, proud as if he had cured the cancer.

America : Quebec! Ready for tonight?
Quebec : What the fuck, Amé? I locked my door earlier! How the fuck did you open it?

America : I unlocked it five hours ago, when I was searching for you...while you were out at Cuba's home according to a friend of mine...

Quebec : The fuck?! Since when do you have the key to my room?

America : do you really think that we would let you lock yourself up in your room?

Quebec : After I got a little freedom, yea!!

America : You're Canada's province, we can't let you out of our sight that much!

Quebec : Are you serious? I can walk freely in the town, you idiot!

America : Yea, but at night, something could happen to you!

Quebec : Are you worried that I betray nada or what?

America : ... that too...

Quebec : ... that's the real reason... *sighs* I'll find a way to have some privacy... until then... what do you want from me?

America : I wanted to make sure you could be ready for tonight!

Quebec : what's tonight?

America : A party! I invited all country human so we can dance until morning!

Quebec : And force me to participate? no thanks!

America : You won't have a choice! ... plus, for you, I invited the communist too...

Quebec : Cuba?

America : yea, but I'm talking about the other one...

Quebec : Russia?

America : yea! So be happy that I let you meet him again and...

Quebec : Ho! thanks! I'll make an effort then...

America : what? ... I don't need to try for an hour to convince you?

Quebec : nan, for once, you don't need to...

America : ho... then... I'll let you get ready, then...

Not used to win this easily against his older sister, the independent one leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Quebec giggles and texts Cuba about the party, before she gets up to dress herself.


The party started for over an hour and Quebec is still in her room. Why? Because she heard her father having a fight with America about her presence there. She overheard as she was about to get downstairs, but when she heard the arguments, she sighs and sits back on her bed, her phone in her hand. She didn't do anything else than put music in her earphone to stop thinking.

Her eyes lays on her blue dress that gives her a more professional look. She took an hour to choose it, worried that her clothing would embarrass her family. I got worried for nothing... I can't even get downstairs or UK will be mad at me again... She sighs in her mind, sad.

Suddenly, her phone vibrates and a notification appears to show a text from Cuba. A faint smile appears on her face as she answers, feeling guilty.


Where are you? I'm looking for you in America's party!


I'm in my room... UK didn't want me to participate...


He isn't even here! He left when I came! You can go downstairs, I'll wait for you!

Quebec giggles and puts her phone away before running downstairs, almost falling on her friend who has only the time to put his foot on the ground next to the stairs. Cuba holds her to make sure she doesn't trip, then he sniggers while he lets her go. She sulks a second, before she makes sure she's still presentable and looks at the crowd. Even if she recognizes every country there, she feels as if she doesn't know anyone, not knowing what to say to who. Quebec is always the last one to listen and talk about politics, but clearly, people were talking about that. She could hear the closest group of countries. The province loses her breath as she tries to find anyone who seems bored, so she could try to avoid diplomatic subjects.

Cuba notices her panicked gaze and he smiles, pointing to her the only country who drinks his glass with an annoyed look on his face. Next to him is America who looks like he talks about how great he is. She sniggers and takes Cuba's hand so she can drag him to her other friend.

Russia sighs as he ignores his technical enemy blablatering about himself. He came only because he heard about Quebec's problems and because Ukraine forced him to. Though he wants his sister to be happy, and so to be able to see Canada, he still can't get out of his head Quebec's reaction when he told her about it.

... : Russ? Want me to take you away from this selfish half-brother of mine?

Speak of the devil, thinks the vodkaholic as he looks at his friend... and freezes. Her usual jeans and winter coat are replaced by a cute blue and black dress and her usual beret disappeared in her room. He doesn't have time to react that America hugs his sister who sighs with a disgusted expression.

Quebec : Ame, you're so drunk that you could throw up on me...

America : You finally came, becky!!!

Quebec : Yea... I was waiting for dad to leave before I joined... so you won't end up in trouble....

America : Thank you big sis!!

Russia : что? You're older than him?

Quebec : hmm? I thought you knew that I'm the oldest...

Russia : нет...

Quebec : *sighs* sorry, I should have told you... Now Amé, you should go to the bathroom before you throw up on the floor... I don't want to clean after you...

America : oooookkkkkkiiiiii, Beeeeccckkkkkyyyyyy!!

And he leaves the three friends, before he falls on his knees. Too much whisky. 

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