Chapter 6

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Cuba sighs and offers to help the capitalist, so Quebec could enjoy the party. Uneasy, she looks at the member of her family and at the friend she went to see against her family consent, before she sighs and nods. Her friend who waited for her earlier goes to help the poor drunken America, while the province sits next to Russia.

Quebec : sorry about that...

Russia : I saw worse from him... Спасибо for making sure he doesn't throw up on me...

Quebec : I did it for everyone... but your welcome

Russia : Already able to understand what Спасибо means?

Quebec : yea... it means thank you, doesn't it?

Russia : да... you surprise me...

Quebec : *giggle* I told you I would learn the basics!

The slavic country smirk as he finishes his glass, unsure of what to say. The woman feels the same, but she is so used to that type of situation that she just shrugs and smiles at him. Quebec thinks a little, before she gently puts her hand on Russia's wrist.

Quebec : Wanna smoke outside?

Russia : you smoke?

Quebec : nha, but I need to relax and nothing's better than staying with a friend under the stars!

Russia : What about Cuba?
Quebec : he has other friends than me... And he can still join us outside...

She shrugs and looks at Russia who stares at her for a second. He then stands up and starts to walk toward the back door. Quebec giggles as she follows him, avoiding people's gaze. She sits next to him on the balcony and lets him light his cigarette. I'll have to avoid the smoke... How can I change places without him noticing? I don't want him to think that I don't want to stay close to him...

Russia : You may want to sit to my left...

Quebec looks at her friend, eyes widened and mouth open in a ''o'' shape. The country can't help but smirk when he looks at the province's expression. He shows his right hand with the smoke in it to make the point.

Russia : The wind is from left to right...

Quebec : ho! Right! Thanks!

Quebec blushes, embarrassed, and gets up so she can sit on the other side. She can't help but apologize before she raises her head toward the sky, looking at the stars. The other one closes his eyes for a minute, listening to the party's sounds being muffled by the door. That's exactly what I needed think the duo as they enjoy the moment.

Quebec : ...I know it's weird with me... Извини.

Russia opens his eyes and turns his head toward her, raising an eyebrow. He doesn't answer at first, taking a deep puff of his smoke. His mind is busy to understand what she's feeling, since her face is still toward the natural lights, despite her voice asking for his gaze.

Russia : Don't apologize over something like this... it makes you weak...

Quebec : I know, but... it's a habit... though, I do feel guilty right now about the fact that I make you uncomfortable...

Russia : It's more the opposite, in fact...

Quebec : quoi? You don't... Hate me?

Russia : Why would I?

Quebec : Bha... Because Canada and América?

Russia : They aren't you...

Quebec : qu'est-ce que... so you are cold toward everyone by nature? Not because you hate them?

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