Chapter 12

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Quebec wakes up in a jump, surprised. Though the pain forces her to lay back on the bed, she recognizes Russia's room. A relieved sigh escapes her lips as she turns her head toward the bed's side. The province smiles as she notices her friend Russia sleeping on the ground, his t-shirt clearly absent, so she can observe that the bite marks were treated and that his appearance turns her on. As soon as she realizes it, she facepalms and tries to go back to sleep. Am I stupid?! Ok, he's sexy, I can't deny it, but GOD... It wasn't the moment! ... Wait... am I naked? Quebec looks at her under the blankets and sighs, relieved. fiou! I'm wearing my underwea- ... I WAS IN RUSSIA'S ARMS EARLIER!!!! In underwears!!! And I'm thinking that he's sexy? Seriously?! What's going through your head, Quebec?!!? GOD!

As Quebec is a blushing mess who's insulting herself in her mind, pretending to be asleep, Russia wakes up and yawns. He slowly gets up and looks at Quebec, understanding immediately that she's awake.

Russia : Quebec, pretending to be asleep isn't really working for you...

Quebec : I'm just trying to go back to sleep by pretending to sleep... but my brain doesn't wanna stop and it worsen the headache...

Russia : despite that, how do you feel?
Quebec : As if someone used me to try new stitching technics...

Russia : *sniggers* it's going to be okay... just sleep for today.
Quebec : I have to call my brother so he won't worry...

Russia : he won't force you to come back home?

Quebec : nha, not if he respects his part of the deal.

Russia : ... will he?

Quebec : He's an ass with me when he wants to, but he respects his promises...
Russia : ... I'll give you your phone...


Right after the phone call, Quebec fell asleep again, not thinking about the fact that her brother got over worried about the fact that she couldn't even walk for the moment without hissing in pain. As for the slavic family, they did their everyday routine, Russia keeping an eye on his friend. How the Blyat did she manage to hide the blood on her clothes when we were in the park? think the country as he smokes his cigarette on the balcony.

Too curious, he sighs and walks to the bathroom to look at the clothes of his friend that he wanted to wash a few hours earlier... but he got too lazy. He takes the winter coat and looks inside to see a ton of paper towels sewed and full of blood. Russia sighs and facepalm, starting to unsew the woman's technic to absorb the blood, groaning about the difficulty of the task.

Once he finishes, he realises that the pants probably have the same things and sighs before taking them to look at his friend's work and start to undo the stiches. I knew that she would bring me trouble but... Not like that... sighs the country while he finishes his work.

Belarus : *pop at the open door* Rus? Is everything okay?

Russia : да, why?

Belarus : Because you rarely walk around without your shirt on and a stick in your mouth instead of a smoke...

Russia frowns and thinks about his behaviour, not realising how odd it is that he chooses to not smoke inside and not wearing his t-shirt. He sighs and shrugs before he gets up with his friend's bloody clothes in his hands.

Russia : I'm ok, belarus... don't worry...

Belarus : *sarcastic* Right... and with that, America is your boyfriend.

Russia : *roll his eyes and sighs* I just... Quebec lives the same control as our dad did to us and this...

He points to the bloody clothes that he's holding with his head and starts washing them with his hands. Belarus looks at his brother, understanding what he means, and he looks away, sad.

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