Chapter 17

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Quebec wakes up with a big headache. To calm her pain, she pulls her hand on her head while her second hand tightens her grip on her pillow that serves as a mattress under her. A groan escapes her throat as she slowly lifts her head toward her pillow's face and recognizes Russia. Do I have a body pillow looking like Russ, as warm as him and smelling like him? ... I don't even HAVE a body pillow!!! think the woman as she jumps and tries to step back, in vain. Her friend holds too tight on her. How did we end up in this situation again? I don't remember a lot from yesterday... It's blurry.

She sighs and shrugs, abandoning the fight as she cuddles in her pillow's arms. The woman closes her eyes and tries to calm her headache by sleeping again, in vain. After all, her brain started to recall the last night and more precisely... The Baiser de Vodka. If she could, Quebec would have run into her family's basement to hide herself forever and ever. But she's in the safest place for her and that safest place won't let her go.

A sigh escapes the province's lips as her eyes lay on her friend's arms. She can't help but nicely stroking the marks on his wrists, a sad smile on her face. I'm worried about him, but at least, I arrived early enough to stop him before he started for the last three weeks... sighs Quebec as a sigh escapes her again. But, I don't know how I'll act when he wakes up... what if we can't talk to each other? If we aren't as comfortable as we used to be, what will happen to him? He can live without me, I know it, but I want to be here for him...

Russia : *half asleep* Лилия... перестань быть таким милым (Pronounced : ''perestan' byt' takim milym'' and means ''Stop being so cute'')
Quebec : *blushes* What did you say, Россия?

The country wakes up in a groan as he brings his hand to his head to ease the pain. At first, he doesn't see the woman sleeping in his arms. He's too sleepy to even notice that someone is snuggling against him, groaning in pain. He's comfy, at least... thinks the provinces as she takes a deep breath to relax herself.

They both enjoy this moment, one because he didn't even notice what's going on, and the second because she can't do anything else and he makes her feel safe anyway. Quebec feels her mind leaving to the dream world again as she feels Russia's hand stroking nicely her back. The country sighs in comfort as he continues to stroke his body pillow hugging it just strong enough to feel that some breasts are between the said body pillow and himself. Since when do I have a body pillow with breasts? ... Since when do I have a body pillow, at all?!

The man suddenly opens his eyes and looks at his friend sleeping on him. He flinches and restrains his pushing impulse as he stops stroking the woman's back. He hears her groaning as she snuggles again, laying her nose on his neck. The vodkaholick shivers as he thinks of a way to wake her up, in vain. Quebec, you're seriously not at a good place...

Quebec : *whisper* Россия...

Russia : Лилия, can you wake up? *shake her gently* Please?

Quebec : Please don't let me go... I'm scared...
Russia : *snigger* scared of what? Of seeing my face after yesterday?
Quebec : Je t'aime, Russie...
Russia : What?

The country frowns as he makes sure that his friend is really asleep. Her deep and regular breathing confirms her sleeping state. What did you say in your sleep, Quebec? I'm really curious, now...

Quebec : *tremble in fear* please, Russia... don't leave me...

Russia : I'm not... you're lying on me, so I can't go without you, idiot...

He gently strokes his friend's back again as he looks at her. He's pretty sure that she will scream when she'll wake up or suffer a big hangover, but he's surprised to see her eyes slowly opening to show her smile and nothing else.

Quebec : Morning, Россия! How's your headache?

Russia : I had worse. How's yours?

Quebec : It hurts like hell, but I had worse too...

Russia : You aren't panicking?
Quebec : hmm? Nha, I panicked earlier, but you held me so tight that I couldn't leave... you still are, though...

Russia : sorry...

He let go of his friend by crossing his arms behind his head. Quebec giggles, amused, and she exhales as she sits on her friend's abs. He raises an eyebrow as he looks at her, not knowing exactly what crosses his friend's mind.

The province jumps on the ground while Russia stares at her. She stretches as she moans quietly and she giggles while she looks at her friend. He smirks, amused by the situation without knowing exactly why.

Quebec : Last night is blurry, but I'm sure you just brought me here to sleep, so... thank you!

Russia : I wouldn't let you get into trouble again...

Quebec : *giggle* don't worry, I can handle anything! But I should go, sadly!

Russia : Already?

Quebec : My family doesn't like me spending time here... they accept it but they will make my life a hell if I stay too long...

Russia : They won't lock you up again, won't they?

Quebec : Ho no no!! Just... they'll give me so much work to do that I won't be able to go out! *giggle* you're cute to worry about me

Russia : *blush and look away* I only do that because you do it all the time

Amused, the woman giggles again and says goodbye to her friend, before she runs outside, where she finally lets her cheek blush. As for Russia, he facepalm and hide his blushing cheeks under his hand, happy that his door is closed What the fuck, heart? Why do you make me feel sick by his/her presence?! And why do you make me wanna stay?! Can't you choose what you want? think the two friends before they do their everyday life again.

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